Raul Gonzalez Likely to Remain as Coach of Real Madrid’s Castilla Instead of Joining Villarreal

Except unexpected turn, Raul Gonzalez It will not be the replacement of Quique Setien in it Villarreal and will continue as a technician Castilla. After canvassing several candidates, the club The ceramic is very close to reaching an agreement with batch, which has become the first option. What’s more, the resolution could be given shortly, since the leaders’ idea is to announce the new coach as soon as possible. They want him to take the reins as soon as possible so as not to prolong the situation the team is currently in.

If the option is confirmed batchthe Burgos coach would return to the bench after his last experience in Valladolidwhere he was fired last season halfway through the season after achieving promotion to the top category.

Raúl had the approval of Real Madrid to negotiate with Villarreal. In fact, the club had already indicated the blackboard as his substitute in the white reserve team. However, the talks between the Madrid native and the Castellón club have not been fruitful, so Raúl will continue as head of the Castilla. So much so that the coach is with his players in Linares, where they have a game this Saturday.

He Villarreal It is not the first offer he has had Raúl to leave the Castilla, although it has been the most serious. Previously, Concord, Schalke 04, Espanyol y Leeds They have been interested in his situation, but he always put the project of the Real Madrid to the calls received, so much so that some of them were not even transferred to the Madrid front leaders.

2023-09-08 21:48:14
#Pacheta #option


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