Scicli Athletes Compete in European Junior Judo Championships

07 Set 2023 17:41

They are Vincenzo Pelligra, 73 kg, and Savita Russo, 63 kg, the two athletes from Scicli from the Ecodep Koizumi judo of the trainer Maurizio Pelligra who are in Holland today to participate in the European junior championships held in the Sportcampus Zuiderpark in The Hague. The two athletes are returning from the Lignano Sabbiadoro meeting of the junior blue team of which they were called to be part.

The selected national team is composed as follows:
Kg 60 – Simone Aversa and Pietro Andreini; 66 kg – Valerio Accogli; Kg 73 – Vincenzo Pelligra and Fabrizio Esposito; Kg 81 – Bright Maddaloni Nosa and Alessandro Bellini; 90 kg – Tommaso Fava; 100 kg – Jean Carletti; 48 kg – Giulia Ghiglione and Sofia Mazzola; Kg 52 – Giulia Carná and Micaela Sciacovelli; Kg 57 – Veronica Toniolo and Stefania Solina; Kg 63 – Antonietta Palumbo and Savita Russo; Kg +78 – Tiziana Marini. Reinforcements for the Mixed Team: 90 kg – Andrea Raffaeli; 57 kg – Emma Stoppari; 70 kg – Claudia Sperotti. Technicians: Vito Zocco, Salvatore Ferro, Gianluca Accogli, Raffaele Toniolo.
Doctor: Stefano Bonagura; Physiotherapist: Paolo De Persio


The two athletes from Scicli will compete tomorrow, Friday 8 September. Thursday 7: F -48, -52, -57 kg; M -60, -66 kg
Friday 8: F -63, -70 kg; M -73, 81 kg
Saturday 9: F -78, +78 kg; M -90, -100, +100 kg
Domenica 10: Mixed Teams

Important numbers at the European junior judo championships.

371 athletes from 42 countries participate. Great expectations for the two young athletes from Scicli, Vincenzo Pelligra 20 years old, cat. 73 kg, and Savina Russo 18 years old, cat. 63 kg, who will try to continue in the wake of the successes they have achieved in recent months and which make them look forward to the 2024 Olympics with hope. A dream that could come true.

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2023-09-07 15:51:47
#judokas #Scicli #European #junior #championships #scheduled #today #Sunday #Holland


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