Timely First Aid Saves a Life: The Heroic Rescue of Mr. Li

“The time when Lao Li fell to the ground was about 11:36. Someone immediately called 120. Soon Nurse Li started to perform CPR, and then used an AED to defibrillate. At 11:46, Lao Li’s heartbeat and breathing recovered. At 11:47, the ambulance arrived. .” The golfer told reporters the whole process of Mr. Li’s rescue.

On August 23, 52-year-old Mr. Li suddenly fell to the ground while playing in the badminton hall. At the moment of life and death, nurse Li Liru, who happened to be practicing in the gym at the time, immediately started first aid and firmly grasped the “golden 4 minutes” to save his life.

first aid scene

According to Li Liru’s recollection, at around 11 a.m. on August 23, she was practicing at a badminton hall on Beihuan Avenue, Nanshan District. Suddenly, Mr. Li fell to the ground not far away. A golfer immediately called and dialed 120 for emergency treatment. Li Liru ran over quickly and found that Mr. Li was pale, his lips were cyanotic, he was sweating profusely, his limbs were cold, he was unresponsive, and he was breathing like a sigh, so he immediately started cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Someone then brought an AED to the scene, and Li Liru immediately instructed the golfers on the scene to take over cardiopulmonary resuscitation while turning on and connecting the AED. The AED voice prompts that defibrillation is needed. Li Liru immediately pressed the defibrillation button, and then continued to follow the AED prompts for cardiopulmonary resuscitation until Mr. Li’s heartbeat and breathing recovered.

11:47,120 When the emergency personnel arrived, Mr. Li’s lips turned red and his consciousness gradually returned. At 11:52, Li Liru assisted 120 emergency personnel in transferring Mr. Li into the ambulance. At 11:59, the 120 ambulance arrived at a nearby hospital, and Mr. Li was sent to the relevant departments through the green channel for further rescue.

According to Mr. Li, after examination after admission, it was found that his anterior descending artery was 95% stenotic, and he successfully completed coronary artery recanalization and stent surgery.

Many of Li Liru’s colleagues still don’t know that she has quietly done a great thing. In this regard, Li Liru said: “There is really nothing to say. The situation was urgent at the time, and I didn’t think too much. Maybe it was out of professional habits or an instinct. I rushed over immediately. After Mr. Li resumed breathing on his own, , all the golfers at the scene praised me, I feel very proud! Now that Mr. Li is back to health after treatment, I am really happy for him and his family. Our hospital particularly emphasizes the importance of first aid and often treats our medical care Personnel are required to carry out first aid training. I hope that more citizens will also learn first aid knowledge and skills so that they have the confidence and ability to take action at critical moments.”

According to Wang Lin, vice president of Southern University of Science and Technology Hospital, the hospital attaches great importance to first aid training and obtained the American Heart Association’s cardiovascular first aid training center qualification in 2019. The hospital conducts first aid training courses for medical staff every year, including basic life support and advanced life support first aid training. All employees of the hospital, including administrative logistics, security, cleaning, etc., must receive 100% first aid training. The hospital also conducts public welfare first aid training for social personnel and social groups, and the response is good.

Southern University of Science and Technology Hospital staff first aid skills training Southern University of Science and Technology Hospital carries out public welfare first aid training for social personnel

Cardiac arrest that occurs outside the hospital is the main cause of patient death. About 80% manifest as ventricular fibrillation. Early electric defibrillation is the most effective rescue method. If cardiopulmonary resuscitation can be implemented within 1 minute, and the patient can be resuscitated within 3 to AED defibrillation within 5 minutes can increase the survival rate to 50% to 70%. For people suffering from sudden cardiac arrest, time is of the essence. Every minute of delay in first aid reduces the success rate by 10%. After 10 minutes of cardiac arrest, the success rate of rescue is almost 0. Therefore, timely rescue after cardiac arrest is very important.

As a medical staff, Li Liru also reminds citizens that they must have regular physical examinations and maintain a healthy lifestyle; they must exercise within their capabilities and not overdo it. If there are signs of discomfort in the body, they should go to the hospital for check-up in time.

2023-09-18 02:18:29
#Shenzhen #man #suffered #cardiac #arrest #playing #badmintonNurses #Southern #University #Science #Technology #Hospital #firmly #grasp #golden #minutes #rescue #operationsHospital #NetworkDingxiangyuan


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