Toped Tep Ltd Appeals Planning Permission Decision for Retail Use of Badminton Hall

Toped Tep Ltd appealed the decision made by the local authority granting planning permission to Robert Simpson to change the use of an existing building known as the badminton hall, to a retail use at Gorey Corporation Lands, Esmond Street.

A Gorey resident lodged a submission in relation to the plans, on May 2. The resident lives adjoining the entrance lane to the development. It was his opinion that “this development, if granted permission would seriously infringe upon and compound what is already an access lane that is currently struggling to manage traffic flow and cope with obstructive illegal parking.”

Parking ‘by appointment only’ would not work as it could not be policed, he maintained. “This application makes no provision for parking,” according to this resident. “The application makes no provision for set down and loading, unloading for retail stock deliveries.” There was no provision for refuge trucks, emergency vehicles, bin storage, bicycle parking, or for wheelchair access, he maintained.

“Previously the building under application was used as a badminton hall located in amongst a site that provides for sporting activities only. These include Gorey Boxing Club, the Girl Guides, Gorey Tennis Club, Gorey Gymnastics Club, and Gorey Scout Club. The present sporting activities already generate a lot of traffic into and out of the lane. In addition to all the stakeholders that use the lane, multiple parents illegally park in the lane when collecting and dropping their children to Gorey Community School.”

A previous planning application was refused for the reasons set out, added the resident.

Toped Tep Developments Ltd own a property adjacent to the lands in question. On April 28, it lodged a submission. “The applicant and the other property owners within the vicinity rely entirely on the use of the company’s private access laneway and footpath for access to their premises,” stated a company spokesperson.

“I am deeply concerned regarding the immeasurable adverse effects that a grant of permission for the development would have on the existing property, property rights and the company’s ability to realise the potential of the site which has been designated a ‘key development site’ in the Gorey Town and Environs LAP.”

Toped Tep maintained there was a serious lack of clarity with regard to the development description and the exact nature of the change of use being proposed. The existing building is not fit for the proposed use, according to the submission.

“The applicant has shown no detail with regard to how the building shall be serviced and adequate utilities provided in order for the premises to operate commercially.”

Waste disposal issues were not fully addressed, he stated. “The applicant states that the waste generation will be negligible however the reality for any retail business is that a significant amount of recycling waste is generated daily. The applicant has failed to show adequately sized waste and recycling storage on site and within the building.”

Other concerns centered on foul water sewerage connections, the potential for increased traffic, and provision of parking.

“I have a genuine concern that the intensification of use of my access laneway will result in an accident causing injury or worse to one of the hundreds of kids who use the access to get to Tennis, Boxing, Scouts and Religious buildings in the area.

Additionally, “the area is one of the few remaining brownfield sites within the town centre that give rise to the opportunity to fundamentally and positively impact the social and economic vibrancy of the town centre,” wrote the spokesperson. “The proposals prejudice the development of the key site.”

The plans were lodged on March 29 this year and granted permission subject to conditions on August 18. The appeal to An Bord Pleanála was lodged on September 13 by Toped Tep Ltd, and the case is due to be decided by January 25, 2024.

2023-09-27 05:00:00
#Plans #turn #Gorey #badminton #hall #retail #unit #appealed #Bord #Pleanala


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