Volleyball in Nebraska vor 92.003 Fans

This week, the FAZ reported in various places that the standards for the Americans were slipping a bit in one place or another – in a rather unfavorable direction. NBA pros scoff at faint criticism of their custom of calling themselves world champions once they’ve won their league. And at tennis in New York, the concept of fairness is reinterpreted night after night.

New standards

On the other hand: If you want to experience the difference between British and American English in the segment of the effect of prompting requests in practice, compare the reactions to the sentence “Quiet, please” in Wimbledon, London SW19 and in the Borough of Queens, NY.

Sport as an educational trip, and with that we end up in Lincoln, Nebraska, at the university there. The volleyball players, the Cornhuskers (remember for the vocabulary test: corn huskers), have sold out every home game for more than twenty years. That hasn’t changed this week either. All tickets sold on Nebraska Volleyball Day – 92,003 at that.

A comment by Pirmin Clossé Published/Updated: , Recommendations: 20 Thomas Klemm, New York Published/Updated: , Recommendations: 28 Katja Sturm Published/Updated: , Recommendations: 2

The match against Omaha took place at the varsity football stadium. This sets completely new standards: There have never been more spectators at a women’s sporting event.


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