Warren Zaire-Emery continues to ignite PSG supporters with post-match rituals

Starting in PSG’s big victory (4-0) against OM this Sunday, at the end of the sixth day of Ligue 1, Warren Zaire-Emery once again ignited the Parisian supporters after the game. In front of his teammates, the 17-year-old midfielder took the megaphone to commune with the public.

The scene could quickly become a habit for Warren Zaire-Emery. This Sunday, after PSG’s victory at the Parc des Princes against OM (4-0) during the closing match of the sixth day of Ligue 1, the young midfielder communicated with the supporters, megaphone in hand .

In front of his teammates

On August 26, Warren Zaire-Emery had already ignited the fans following a victory against Lens (3-1). If he was then alone to celebrate with the Collectif Ultras Paris (CUP), the 17-year-old player was this time accompanied by all his teammates, with the exception of Kylian Mbappé who was injured during the meeting.

Author of the first goal of the evening from a free kick (8th), Achraf Hakimi had fun unzipping Warren Zaire-Emery’s jacket, practically shirtless to sing, like a capo. Aligned in midfield with Manuel Ugarte, “WZE” played the entire Classic.

Trained at the club, Warren Zaire-Emery was started by Luis Enrique during the first seven matches of the season. The Spanish coach has made no secret of late that he is under the spell of the young talent. In September, he also had his first matches with the France Espoirs team, under the direction of Thierry Henry.

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2023-09-24 21:21:24
#ZaireEmery #takes #megaphone #ignite #supporters #victory #Classic


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