Antonio Conte to Belve: “Passive sex before the match, I teach my players how to do it” – Football

Antonio Conte with an open heart to “Beasts”. The coach, linked to Napoli in recent weeks, confesses to Francesca Fagnani (the interview will air in prime time on Raidue Tuesday 17 October) and does not rule out his future arrival on the Neapolitan bench. “Rome and Naples are certainly two places that I would like to experience, for the passion they convey to you. I hope that one day there will be the possibility of having this experience.” Pressed by the interviewer, Conte adds: “Take a team in the running? No, because they are situations created before.”

The Mancini-Saudi Arabia case

Conte is then stimulated by the presenter on the controversial resignation of Roberto Mancini from the role of coach of the Italian national team. “What would you have done in his place?”. The coach from Lecce replies: “I don’t want to get into the issue and do something that has bothered me in other circumstances.” Fagnani insists: “So you wouldn’t have gone to Saudi Arabia?”. And Conte: “According to the newspapers, Saudi Arabia would have made offers to everyone, I’m getting involved too. I refused. Leave the National? No, the national team is a matter of discussion, we are talking about club proposals.” And then: “I think Mancini did something historic by winning the European Championship, then there was certainly his non-participation in the World Cup. These are situations that leave wounds. It would have been very hard for me too. But in that case maybe yes, I would have left afterwards.”

Farewell to Juventus

Conte also reveals that he regretted leaving Juventus after three championships in a row: “The farewell I regretted most was the one from Juventus after three years. When you see big problems even for small things… I then decided to leave.” Conte also talks about his troubled relationship with his colleague Jose Mourinho and when Francesca Fagnani reminds Conte that she once told him “let’s meet in the office” in a threatening tone, the Mister comments seraphically: “I come from the street, don’t ever forget it”.

Conte and the gender of the players

There is also room to joke about Conte’s attitude with the players of his teams. Fagnani reminds the Coach of his “instructions” on sexual relations during competition, of short duration and with as little effort as possible, and Conte states: “Having a background as a footballer I have practical experiences that I can transfer. One cannot set limits or prohibit certain situations, but certainly when the match is imminent the advice is to make as little effort as possible. The least possible effort means being passive, the other party has to be very active.”

Massimo Bochicchio’s scam

Among the various topics we also touch on the matter concerning Massimo Bochicchio, the VIP scammer, into whose net Conte also fell. When Fagnani asks what his thoughts are on the matter, Conte comments: “It seemed strange to me, everything that happened when he returned to Italy, all this freedom that was given to him. It was clear that he had defrauded a lot of people. Much more attention would have been needed and I think there was a bit of laxity from this point of view. Fagnani asks: were you able to recover anything? And Conte reveals: “One part, the other, we’ll see what happens.”

2023-10-16 15:45:15
#Antonio #Conte #Belve #Passive #sex #match #teach #players #Football


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