Arizona Diamondbacks Equalize in MLB World Series with Dominant 9-1 Win Against Texas Rangers

Arlington (dpa) – The Arizona Diamondbacks have equalized in the MLB World Series. The 2001 baseball champion won clearly 9-1 on Saturday (local time) in the second of seven possible final games against the Texas Rangers.

A day earlier, the Rangers had narrowly won 6:5 at the start. The third match in the best-of-seven series will take place on Monday (local time) at Chase Field in Phoenix, home of the Arizona Diamondbacks.

While the Texas Rangers have never won the championship, the Arizona Diamondbacks last won the coveted World Series in 2001. Both teams surprisingly qualified for the finals with a wild card.

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2023-10-29 07:15:49
#Baseball #Arizona #equalizes #World #Series #Texas #Sports


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