Basketball Icon Nino Cescutti Dies in Tragic Accident

UDINE. Superfine talent, hands capable of drawing heavenly trajectories. Basketball icon of the past, giant of a distant era of a sport that has changed at the speed of light in recent decades. Nino Cescutti was 84 years old. He was walking in the rain in Udine when a car hit him, killing him.

The tragic news of the death of the two-time Italian champion was released by Federbasket on Saturday 21 October. Medical aid was useless.

“The Cescutti family receives the heartfelt embrace and heartfelt condolences of Fip president Giovanni Petrucci, on a personal basis and on behalf of Italian basketball”, reads the Fip statement. Giambattista Cescutti, known as Nino, played thirty games (133 points) for Azzurro, participating in the 1963 World Championship in Brazil and the 1965 European Championship in Moscow.

He won two championships – in 1959 with Simmenthal Milano and in 1964 with Ignis Varese – as well as an Intercontinental Cup and the Cup Winners’ Cup (1966). He was the best scorer in Serie A in 1960 and 1962. He ended his career in Udine.

He coached in Switzerland and then Apu Udine in the 74-75 season.

«The regional administration expresses deep condolences for the passing of Nino Cescutti, former basketball player and coach and the first Friulian to play for the national team, who was able to raise the values ​​of sport high and whose passion and dedication inspired many».

Thus the governor of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Massimiliano Fedriga, who in the note underlines how Cescutti was able, «with his example and his teaching, to encourage many young people to approach sport as an opportunity for growth and personal affirmation. We remember him – concludes the note from the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region – as a man and sportsman of value.”


2023-10-21 18:09:32
#basketball #ace #Tirreno #overwhelmed #killed


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