Betting investigations against Italians Tonali and Zaniolo

Two days before the European Championship qualifier against Malta, European soccer champions Italy sent two players back to their clubs from the training camp in Coverciano near Florence. As the national association announced on Thursday, Sandro Tonali from Newcastle United and Nicolo Zaniolo from Aston Villa have left the national team. The two midfielders have previously been questioned by the Turin public prosecutor’s office over allegations of illegal betting.

The association said they had been officially informed about their involvement in the investigation. “Regardless of the nature of the acts, the association is convinced that in this situation the two players are not in the necessary condition to fulfill the obligations planned in the next few days.” European champions Italy will host Bari on Saturday (8.45 p.m.). in the European Championship qualification Malta and then plays against England in the new edition of the European Championship final on Tuesday (8.45 p.m.) in London.

2023-10-12 21:37:42
#Betting #investigations #Italians #Tonali #Zaniolo


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