Bonaventura and the ageless blue, ‘I believe in merit’ – Football

“There were moments in which I thought there would no longer be a place for me in the national team, because in my role there were more experienced players and then because they wanted to rejuvenate the squad. But I have always believed in merit: if someone plays well and he proves to be among the best, he must be in the national team. I never gave up and now I’m happy to start this adventure.” Jack Bonaventura proves that at 34 years of age everything is still possible, scoring 4 goals in the first 8 league games in a Fiorentina team that rose to 3rd place and regaining the blue shirt three years after the last time (October 2020, the dedication is special: “To my father Gianfranco who passed away a year ago. He was very proud when he saw me play with the national team” said the emotional midfielder. He still doesn’t know if and how Luciano Spalletti will use him between Saturday against Malta or Tuesday in London against England , meanwhile the coach on Monday, responding to a joke, defined him as “our Bellingham” referring to the English talent of Real Madrid. ”I leave the comparisons to you journalists, everyone has their own history and character – Bonaventura’s reflection – I know that after finishing my experience at Milan I wanted to prove that I was still an important player. Fiorentina confirmed itself as the ideal place to return to high levels and the Italian’s work gave me confidence and stability.” Furthermore, the Viola coach’s way of playing has similarities with that of Spalletti: “There are different aspects but in broad terms, from what we have seen in recent days, they are similar.” His first call-up to the national team was 10 years ago but his experience with the Azzurri has had ups and downs. “I have always tried to do my best because wearing this shirt is everyone’s dream. In football there are things that depend on you and others that don’t. Now I want to enjoy it day after day knowing that I can be useful. A little thought for European? Why not. Everything always depends on what is done in the club and I want to continue as I am doing.” When asked if there are any secrets to his longevity, he smiled: “None: I train, I eat well, I go to bed early. Football is my passion, I want to do things seriously. And it’s too early to study as a coach: I’ve always tried to learn from all the coaches I’ve had and even now I want to learn, but I only think about playing which is something that takes away a lot of physical and mental energy.” Closing with a comment on the constant decline in the number of Italian players who can be called up: “The numbers say this, for the national team it is a problem to find ready elements. Clubs also have tax advantages in hiring foreign players and this penalizes our young players”.

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2023-10-11 18:50:15
#Bonaventura #ageless #blue #merit #Football


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