Budo-Club Hikari e. V. Lauffen Competes at Autumn Tournament with Promising Results

At the start of the competition season, the Ju-Jutsuka of the Budo-Club Hikari e. V. Lauffen took part in the autumn tournament in Bietigheim. While the effects of the pandemic were still felt in 2022 and there were only 71 reports, 171 Ju-Jutsuka started in 2023. Five fighters start for Lauffen and are led by Mario Dürr, Marcel Korn and Jonas Zimmer. It was the first jujutsu competition for Maximilian Fabich and Lukas Jäger. The coaching team was quite satisfied with the performance and is looking forward to going to the Baden-Württemberg Championships in November with an expected larger number of Ju-Jutsuka. The results:
Gold: Luca Häussermann (Ne-waza/BJJ, men -94 kg), Lukas Jäger (Fighting, u14, -60 kg)
Silver: Maximilian Fabich (Fighting, u16, -66 kg), Cedric Schulz (Ne-waza/BJJ, u18, -60 kg, Luca Häussermann (Fighting, men -94 kg)

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2023-10-16 17:07:22
#JuJutsu #Autumn #tournament #Bietigheim #Lauffen


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