Caiazzo distrusted by sports bodies: FdI also signs the attack on the man placed by the League in “Sport and Health”

The world of sport is blatantly distrustful the government man in sports. The role of Fabio Caiazzo on the Board of Directors of the investee “Sports and Health” becomes yet another object of clash from political institutions e sportivecomplete with a parliamentary question and a bipartisan barrage: chosen by the executive (in particular by the Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara) despite one radiation in sports, now the bodies of promotion (the world from which he himself comes) ask for it Suspension.

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Caiazzo had already been mentioned turn up one’s nose at the time of the announcement, now it’s just a coincidence: the coordination of Eps (the bodies that bring together the activities and associations below the Federations; to be clear, practically all gyms oh tournaments amateur belong to a body) wrote to the minister Andrea Abodito the top management of the company and to the president of Coni Giovanni Malagò asking for official intervention. There are two reasons: on the one hand the failure to comply with the condemnation (Caiazzo, removed from ASI, relocated as general director to another organisation, Freedom); and then the potential conflict of interest, given that Caiazzo appears still covered the latter position, despite having joined the board of directors of the government company. The executive has ignored all this I don’t matter at all at the time of choice.

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The document, that is practically unitary (it is approved by all entities except for his own, Libertas), has a particular value not only for what it asks for, but also and above all for what it implies politically. The paradox, in fact, is that this broadside it actually comes to the man appointed by the government from within the government itselfin particular by the undersecretary Claudio Barbarowhich despite dealing with the high altitude environment Brothers of Italyremains closely linked to sport as a historian president of ASI, one of the most influential promotional bodies. There is (also) his business in the direct attack on Caiazzo (it was the ASI that removed him, and now he is asking the extension of the sentence), and therefore to whoever appointed him, i.e l’ala salviniana from the Legafrom which Barbaro left badly some time ago.

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It doesn’t end here, because now the Eps motion will even become a question parliamentarianhowever presented by the Democratic Party deputy, Mauro Berruto. The usual free-for-all of sports politics, in which Brothers of Italy e Democratic party they strangely find themselves on the same side. Too much for Abodi to ignore the issue: “I have read the letter signed by the Eps, it is a topic that has already been addressed to me subjected in recent weeks and on which there is mine maximum attention“. Now that the minister has also noticed it, all that remains to be known what do you think.

Twitter: @lVendemiale

2023-10-13 17:41:49
#Caiazzo #distrusted #sports #bodies #FdI #signs #attack #man #League #Sport #Health


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