Call for ID Judoka: Squad Course and Team Selection for German Association Team Championship in Munich

Published in Sports Inclusion

The squad course in ID judo will take place on November 4th, 2023 at the elite sports school in Munich.

We are still looking for potential ID judoka from all over Bavaria, with the request that you contact the trainers at the BJV, speaker for integration and inclusion Alwin Brenner at This email address is protected from spambots! To display JavaScript must be turned on! Report to. On this day, the team selection for the German Association Team Championship, which will be held at the same location on November 18th, 2023, will take place.

Further information will be provided upon re-registration.

Easy language:

Are you an ID judoka?

Are you doing training in Bavaria?

We are looking for you!

Do you have time on November 4th?

Please contact Alwin:

Email: This email address is protected from spambots! To display JavaScript must be turned on!

Phone: 01 73 -8 60 20 70

WhatsApp: 01 73 -8 60 20 70

Text and images: Peter Franz, BJV integration officer, Munich 1a

Tags: G-Judo


2023-10-09 19:22:32
#Kaderlehrgang #IDJudo


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