Carabinieri Crackdown: Arrest and Seizure of Half a Kilogram of Marijuana

Carabinieri crackdown on two convicted criminals. One was arrested and the other reported. Half a kilo of ‘grass’ seized

As part of the services to prevent and combat illicit drug trafficking, the Carabinieri of the Narni Scalo station, assisted by personnel from the Narni and Montecastrilli stations and the Norm of the Compagnia di Amelia, arrested a 42-year-old convicted felon from Terni, domiciled in Montecastrilli, a 29-year-old of Neapolitan origins was released in a state of freedom for unjustified carrying of instruments capable of offending.

Marijuana at home

On Wednesday afternoon, a patrol from the Narni Scalo station, during a check in via Tuderte, subjected the two offenders to searches, finding just over 5 grams of marijuana in the possession of the first and approximately 1 gram of cocaine held by the second . The search was extended to the vehicle used by the 29-year-old, inside which a baseball bat was found. The search then continued at the home of both: in the 42-year-old’s home the Carabinieri found 12 heat-sealed packages of marijuana, weighing a total of half a kilogram, two plants in the inflorescence stage as well as material suitable for weighing and packaging the narcotic.

Arrest and complaint

The man was therefore arrested and placed under house arrest at his home, awaiting the very direct ritual which took place yesterday morning, following which he was subjected to the obligation to reside in the Municipality of Montecastrilli and to remain at home in night time. The 29-year-old, as well as being released in a state of freedom for possession of the baseball bat, being already subject to the obligation to report to the police and to live in Terni, was reported both for the violation of the precautionary measure in place and to the competent Prefecture as a drug user.

2023-10-27 14:59:10
#Marijuana #plants #home #doses #ready #dealing #convicted #felon #arrested


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