Deschamps after Netherlands – France: “Mbappé responded with his feet”

The Blues coach did not hide his satisfaction after the victory against the Netherlands (1-2) Friday evening and the qualification for Euro 2024.

Special correspondent in Amsterdam

Analysis of qualification for the Euro: « We obviously had to leave again (after the lost World Cup final), with a huge disappointment, players who stopped and absences for other reasons with Paul (Pogba) and NG (Kanté). The players have grown up quickly, we must not get excited but appreciate, not trivialize. It has never been easy to qualify, to do so with two days to go, to have a string of 6 victories and 13 goals scored, with unfortunately a goal conceded this evening, I am very proud of what this group has achieved. In the state of mind, this is what I expected because it is never easy to win here. The qualification is confirmed. We will be qualified and first. You have to appreciate it. It’s the high level, there are requirements. We don’t see each other as the best. From an accounting standpoint, it’s perfect. »

His analysis of the French victory in Amsterdam: « I have no regrets about the changes at the end of the match (which would have unbalanced the Blues). Jonathan (Clauss) had made a lot of effort. We got the result we wanted, even if, as I told them at the break, we gave them two opportunities too many. And this goal at the end of the match gives them enthusiasm, but we weren’t put under too much pressure. We have this ability to score two goals. It is a very good thing. »

Mbappé’s response with his double: « He was not in good shape (smile). He responded with his feet, sorry for you. He assumes his responsibilities as captain. It’s not just about what you see on the ground. (double sound) There it’s visible to everyone. (On the captaincy) It suits him well and it doesn’t weigh on his shoulders. He had legs, good dispositions, even if he came from a less good period (4 matches without a goal with PSG, Editor’s note) and affected in his private life with the death of a loved one. He has an important role in this role of captain and it is very good for everyone. »

The objective for the next two qualifying matches: « To be seeded at the Euro, there are only 5 places left (Germany, the organizing country, is automatically). It’s not enough to be first in our group, you’ll need more than 18 points. The objective is there and the players know it. We will not neglect the next matches (against Gibraltar and Greece in November). You must not give up and keep your expectations high. »

His view of the beautiful copy rendered by Clauss: « It was his return, he had great technical ease, good offensive participation. It is a lateral carried forward. He made a lot of effort because it was starting to drag at the end of the match (he was replaced by Malo Gusto). He exudes tranquility and has this ability to verticalize, to look ahead. The combination of the two (with Coman) on the right side was very interesting. »

Comments collected at a press conference


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