Exploring Suitable Team Sports: Recommendations for an Enthusiastic Athlete


Since there are a lot of people here who know and/or play a variety of sports, I think that this is the right site for me 🙂

It’s about the following – I’m looking for a suitable sport for me. Of course I don’t have any goal of becoming a professional or anything like that, that’s for sure. But it has to be something that is fun and challenging.

Initial requirements: Height: 190, weight should be somewhere around 110. I’m not an endurance athlete, but performance-wise I can play a full game of volleyball and basketball. There is also strength.

I played football in the D-youth, but it wasn’t the right thing for me. At the moment I play volleyball and basketball, but at a level that no longer challenges me and to go further I lack the interest in the sports and certainly the technique in volleyball.

So to the actual question: Which team sports do you know or would you advise me to try?

I find American football interesting, but I don’t know enough about the sport in Germany and, above all, whether it’s worth getting into at my age.

I also find racket sports interesting, but I’m not particularly familiar with them.

What can you recommend to me? Does it make sense to start something or should I stick with volleyball even if I don’t enjoy it that much?

Thank you!

2023-10-23 19:04:20
#sense #start #playing #competitive #sports #youre #sports #swimming #athletics


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