Expreso Mega Announces Rewards for Star Local Basketball Player in Barahona 2023 Tournament

Barahona. The advertising agency “Expreso Mega” will reward the star local basketball player of the week, within the framework of the celebration of the thirty-third version of the Barahona 2023 superior basketball tournament (XXXIII), scheduled to begin on November 3 with the participation of 6 teams.

The production team led by Néstor de Jesús Laurens, reported that the awards ceremony will be held every Saturday at 11 in the morning in the Natclinic building, with live broadcast through the digital platforms of Facebook and YouTube.

You can also follow it on the local television program Expreso de la Tarde, which is broadcast on channel 57 UHF of Empresas Radiofonicas, every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00 in the afternoon.

Laurens announced that the space will be sponsored by Natanael Gutiérrez, owner of Natclinic, the digital newspaper cuatriboliao.net, polodigital10.com and other sponsors.

He highlighted that the winner as “local star of the week” will be chosen by the judges of the basketball tournament, through the technical direction of the event, and the selected player will receive 2 thousand pesos, a basketball and a medal as recognition. .

He maintained that the program has the support of the Barahona Basketball Association (Asobaproba), and its president Francisco Vargas Ramirez (Pachico), and will be carried out in various parts of the city.

Laurens, with extensive experience in the production of this type of event, described the Barahona senior basketball tournament as an added value of utmost importance, which seeks to raise its quality and image.

He highlighted that only local players will be awarded, as a way to encourage the talent that makes up the clubs and participates in the tournament.

The most valuable player of the regular series will also be chosen and will receive a mega prize for his choice.

In addition, top basketball fans will be able to enjoy interviews, comments from the producers of the sports space under the production and conduction of the communicator and sports leader Néstor Laurens, former president of the basketball association, and the journalist Daniel Urbaez.

Néstor De Jesús Pichardo and Mario Pérez Santana, photographic correspondent, will be in the technical direction of the program.

The clubs of Gregorio Luperón, La Unión, Juan Pablo Duarte, Los Cachorros, El Cacique Enriquillo and Santa Cruz will participate in the competition.

2023-10-09 00:02:34
#Awards #announced #local #basketball #star #week


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