Finding the Perfect Martial Arts Training for a Female Teenager: A Search for Non-Intimidating and Socially Engaging Options

So I’m female and 15. I’m currently interested in sports again. I played basketball for 3 years and volleyball for 1 year. Unfortunately, I was never able to really get into both sports, which is why I dropped them. I find martial arts very interesting, but unfortunately I’m not really strong, but I’m not frail or anything like that.

My preferences would be a training session that I have to go to, not at home. That I can do the sport with others. Physically, it’s important to me that we don’t throw each other around so much and that we don’t have to be so flexible.

I would be very happy about a recommendation. So I know where I can read it.

2023-10-18 19:06:46
#martial #arts #beginners #sports #boxing #martial #arts


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