Forza Pro Club Organizes Trip to Gongorzola (MI) for Match against Giana Erminio

The Forza Pro Club is organizing the trip to Gongorzola (MI) on Sunday 15 October, for the match against Giana Erminio.

The meeting is set for 11.50 am in via XX Settembre, in front of the entrance to Parco Camana, with departure at 12.00 and participation fee set at 15 euros.

Reservations will be collected at the usual information stand set up at the North Stand entrance of the stadium, on Saturday 30 September from 5.30 pm until the start of the match and will continue on Monday 9 October from 8.00 pm until the start of the match.

They will resume on Tuesday 10 October at: Da Tommy, in via San Paolo n. 8 in Vercelli, tel.0161.258323 (closed on Monday and Thursday afternoons).

The Club will communicate the success or otherwise of the trip based on the number of members by 12.00 on Thursday 12 October.

All interested parties are invited to register promptly and to follow the information on the progress of registrations which will be communicated to the press and published on social media.

2023-10-04 20:14:47
#Club #Forza #Pro #bus #match #Giana #Erminio


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