Four Days of Festivities Come to an End as Todi Celebrates Feast of Patron Saint San Fortunato

The four days of celebrations on the occasion of the feast of the patron saint, San Fortunato, end today in Todi.

Today the “Tipico Todi” market will return with, at 9 am, “La Disfida di San Fortunato” through the streets of the city, a friendly historical and traditional archery competition in which participants will

over 160 archers in medieval costume. The program includes jester and magic shows, the minting of the souvenir coin of the Challenge and the parade and musical jousting of drummers, with the King’s Falconers who will close the morning and open in the afternoon. At 3 pm there will be an awards ceremony for the winners of “The Challenge of San Fortunato” and the Giostra dell’Aquila. The grand finale is scheduled for 4pm today with the Historical Procession of the Cortei d’Italia, which will move from Via Matteotti along Via Roma and Corso Cavour to Piazza del Popolo.

The first procession will be followed by a second one which will move from Largo De Sanctis and continue towards Largo d’Acquasparta, Via del Duomo, Piazza del Popolo, Via Mazzini, Via Ciuffelli, to return back to Piazza Jacopone, Via Lorenzo Leoni, Via San Lucky.

The participants will then line up on the steps of the Church of San Fortunato. Once the procession is over, everyone returns to Piazza del Popolo where the Medieval Company will perform

Todi, the Grifoncello Company and the Rust Company.


2023-10-15 04:35:16
#Challenge #Historical #Parade #Shows


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