Francesco Restivo’s Performance in the Italian Fijlkam Championship 2023

Italian Fijlkam Championship 2023 for the Cadet Category and the

Kata Specialty (Imaginary Combat). In Rome, at the Pala Pellicone Olympic Center in Ostia Lido, Francesco Restivo, athlete of Altair Menfi, member of the Karate Judo Club of Sciacca of maestro Pippo Piazza, will also be on the stage.

Despite the good kata performed, Francesco Restivo did not pass the first round due to the low score given to him. According to the Saccense instructor Michele Catanzaro, who accompanied the young athlete to Rome, “the performance of the Kata performed, in my opinion, deserved to have a higher score.

However, the important thing is to always be there and try, but above all to get involved. We will certainly return to Sicily with an additional wealth of experience that will help us improve so that we are ready for the next sporting events.” Restivo had qualified for the Italian championship in Rome after having passed the regional stages where he had obtained an excellent result.

“Satisfied as a Technician and Athlete once again – states Michele Catanzaro – for the work done, aware that there is always room for improvement and to give their students the right stimuli and motivations to always move forward”. Karate Judo Club of Sciacca which now he is preparing for subsequent regional and national competitive commitments in kata, kumite and judo.

2023-10-21 09:15:13
#Italian #Kata #Championship #young #athlete #Karate #Judo #Club #Sciacca #competing #Rome


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