Inclusion and Empowerment: The Rimini Judo School Launches Judo Course for Special Kids

The Rimini Judo School in collaboration with the Dante Alighieri Comprehensive Institute of Rimini, has launched the Judo course for “special kids”, a project that promotes the well-being of kids with various disabilities, while at the same time encouraging greater acceptance and social integration . The project starts from afar says Judo Master Enrico Nanna and owner of the ASD Judo School Rimini. Master Nanna explains that he is carrying forward what his Master Giorgio Sozzi, creator of Judo adapted to disabilities, has carried out for over 40 years in Italy since the 1980s.

Based on previous experience, the Judo School has favored the inclusion of children reported to be suffering from disorders and/or deficits, who are given activities through the judo method that will allow them to maintain and increase coordination and motor skills. This year, thanks to the Headmaster Emanuele Pirottina, who strongly believed in the Project for “Special Children”, allowed the realization of the same by making it operational also thanks to the role of the school operators (support assistants), whose role, through communicative mediation , is to collaborate in the teaching activity by promoting learning.

The objective of the project is to promote the inclusion of students with disabilities by introducing this method of motor growth into schools of all levels through the practice of Judo adapted to disabilities. Master Enrico Nanna explains that the Judo method has a very high socializing content which, thanks to physical contact, “obligatorily” places the self in relation to the other, first as a discovery and then as taking charge of the other.

2023-10-16 16:10:33
#Rimini #Judo #School #Dante #Alighieri #Comprehensive #Institute #launches #Special #children


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