Ippon Karate Lentini Shines at Open Monferrato 2023

Another national trip for Ippon Karate Lentini

Sciacca present at the event called “Open Monferrato 2023” which was held in Casale Monferrato at the Pala Ferraris. Piero and Marco Lentini’s company, as always, was a protagonist in the men’s and women’s kumite competitions. These are the results. Two podiums were achieved: Irene Marturano silver in the Under 21 category and Emma Colletti bronze in the Junior category. Nicolò Alfano placed fifth among the Juniors, Carla Cascioferro and Giovanni Sicola in seventh place among the Under 14s.

Nothing to do, however, for the remaining athletes present at the trip, namely Andrea D’anna, Calogero Turturici, Virginia Arcilesi, Gioia Gulotta and Giuseppe Gigliotta, who were, however, able to gain experience in view of the next competitive commitments. Maestro Marco Lentini is satisfied with the results obtained and will now prepare the group of competitive athletes in view of the upcoming regional and national events.

Martial arts again, but this time we move on to judo. Excellent results in Palermo also for the Karate Judo Club of Sciacca led by maestro Pippo Piazza. The athletes Virginia Monteleone and Beatrice Saladino won, in their respective categories based on weight, the third and final stage of the Regional Judo Tournament for the Beginners A class, i.e. those born in 2011, a race precisely called Gran Premio Giovanissimi. Thanks to these results, the Karate Judo Club also achieved first place as a club in the general youth ranking for the year 2023.

Monteleone and Saladino were prepared by maestro Pippo Piazza and coach Alberto Catanzaro, while they were accompanied to Palermo by instructor Manuela Piazza. A great result which will certainly now allow Monteleone and Saladino to continue their steps of sporting and competitive growth with greater confidence.

2023-10-30 10:53:11
#Ippon #Karate #Lentini #Karate #Judo #Club #Sciacca #results #weekend


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