Israeli raid on Gaza, over 50 dead at Jabalya market – News

Israeli planes bombed the Jabalia fruit and vegetable market, in the north of the Strip, very crowded at that time. This was reported by witnesses according to whom there are dozens of corpses on the spot. The Gaza hospital later reported that the deaths are over 50. The local inhabitants – according to the same sources – provided aid to the injured.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant ordered the “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip. “I have ordered the complete siege: there will be no electricity, no food, no petrol. Everything is closed,” Gallant added after a security consultation at the Southern Command in Beersheba. “We are fighting human animals and we will behave accordingly,” he said, quoted by the media.

Hamas meanwhile announces that Four Israeli prisoners were killed by Israeli raids on Gaza in the last hours.

The tension remains very high. The warning sirens rang out in the central area of ​​Israel, in Jerusalem and on the northern border with Lebanon.

According to the Washington Post, the US expects a large ground operation against Hamas in Gaza in the next 24-48 hours. Israel has in fact asked the US for missiles for the Iron Dome, small diameter bombs, machine gun ammunition and greater cooperation in sharing intelligence information to respond to the very harsh attack by Hamas.

Meanwhile, the new Israeli death toll continues to rise and has reached 800. There are 2,500 injured, many of them seriously. There would then be 750 missing and at least 100 hostages in the hands of Hamas. Among them Americans and Germans. 260 people died at the rave of young pacifists in the desert. Deaths in Gaza from Israeli attacks have reached 436 with 2,270 injured. “The Government expresses its closeness and solidarity with the people of Israel and the Italian Jewish communities. Terror will never prevail“, commented Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

For further information Agenzia ANSA 300 reservists leaving at Fiumicino, Noa’s story – News “I’m trying to leave from Fiumicino airport, it’s my duty. With me there are more than 300 boys recalled by the Israeli army as reservists on active duty .

In the morning, army spokesman Daniel Hagari assured that Israel has regained control of all towns on the Gaza border e the Israel Defense Forces, according to local media, announced that approximately 80 terrorists were found in the country overnight, while fighting continued in six locations along the border with Gaza. At least 800 Hamas targets in Gaza were hit by the army.

To the residents of Sderot, a town near the Strip, was ordered again to barricade himself in his house and not to open the door to anyone. The Israeli military spokesman shortly before said that militants from Gaza continue to infiltrate Israeli territory. The media report shootings between soldiers and militiamen and, according to the same information, “4 terrorists were killed”.

And while Tehran denies any involvement in the attacks, Xinhua, citing a source from the Islamic Resistance Movement, claims that “with the support of the United States, Qatar is trying to reach the urgent agreement that would lead to the release of the Israeli women captured by Hamas in exchange for Palestinian women detained in Israeli prisons”

Tehran: ‘We are with Hamas but we are not behind the attacks’

“We proudly and unswervingly support Palestine, however we are not involved in the Palestinian response (the attack on Israel, ed.), which was conducted only by the Palestinians”: Iran’s mission to the United Nations declared this in a statement , referring to Hamas attacks against the Jewish state. “The action of the Palestinian Resistance was a fully legitimate defense against the crimes and usurpations of the illegitimate Zionist regime”, we read again in the statement from the Tehran mission.

Israel regains control of the areas close to Gaza

Israel has regained control of all towns on the Gaza border. Army spokesman Daniel Hagari said this, adding that the clashes between soldiers and Hamas militiamen in the last few hours were “isolated”. Hagari then explained that 3 militiamen were killed in the Shaar Hanegev area, one in the village of Beeri, 5 in those of Holit and Sufa and 4 in Alumim for a total of 13. “At the moment – he underlined – there are no fighting is ongoing but it is possible there are terrorists in the area.” Furthermore, the breaches in the defensive barrier will be secured with tanks.

The UN alarm, over 123,000 displaced in the Gaza strip

More than 123,000 people have been displaced in the Gaza Strip, the United Nations Humanitarian Affairs Office reports. “Over 123,538 people have been displaced within Gaza, mainly due to fear, protection issues and the destruction of their homes,” the UN humanitarian agency, Ocha, reported, with over 73,000 refugees in schools.

The Lebanese foreign minister assures: ‘Hezbollah does not intervene unless attacked’

Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib said in the last few hours that he had received a guarantee from Hezbollah leaders that the pro-Iranian armed party will not intervene in the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel if it is not attacked by the Israelis. Quoted by the Lebanese news agency al Markaziya, the Lebanese foreign minister said: “Hezbollah promised us that it does not intend to intervene in the war in Gaza unless Israel commits aggression” against Lebanon.

‘The worst day in Israel’s history’

“By far the worst day in the history of Israel”: This is how a spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on “The fighting is still ongoing in Southern Israel, terrorists are still in the country, about a thousand bloodthirsty Palestinians have entered, they have gone house to house, building to building to massacre Israeli civilians and soldiers. Unfortunately the astronomical figure of 700 Israelis killed is destined not to remain so. Never in the history of Israel have there been so many victims from a single attack”, said a spokesperson for the Israeli Defense Forces during the night, publishing a video on

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2023-10-09 12:13:00
#Israeli #raid #Gaza #dead #Jabalya #market #News


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