Javier Milei compared himself to Lionel Messi to criticize radicalism

After having entered the ballot, Javier Miley began to make agreements with the hard wing of Together for Changewhose references are Patricia Bullrich and Mauricio Macri. In this framework, the economist seeks to form a large block of people who do not want to continue with Kirchnerism to ally and defeat Sergio Massa in the PASO. Although the Radical Civic Union (UCR) are part of the Macrismo, they do not want to support the leader of La Libertad Avanza because of his past criticisms.

In this way, the presidential candidate downplayed the importance of the decision made by the radicals and compared himself to Lionel Messi to explain the phenomenon that is occurring: «I discovered that when you go to see an Argentina match it is nice. The stands are nice, the chants are nice, the color is Indian but you put the ball in the middle, the people sing and the ball doesn’t move,” he analyzed.

«Messi moves the ball, the goals are scored by Messi. “Those who throw stones at their own people do less because they favor their enemies,” said Javier Milei in A24 in a clear reference to the fact that radicalism is outside and is no longer the protagonist of what may happen. The issue did not end there and he maintained that “they already went with Massa” in the electoral bid and that is why the ruling party is closer to its ceiling.

On the other hand, they consulted the national deputy about his pact with Bullrich and Macri and whether this did not go against his initial proposal to “remove the caste” from politics. «Together for Change was caste and is being purged. The collectivists are going with the collectivists. They already left with Massa,” added the founder of La Libertad Avanza in this regard.

«One of the things I pointed out in the speech was to wipe the slate clean, full stop. He had been stating ‘all those who want to embrace the ideas of freedom are welcome’. I am not the one to determine who can change or not. Faced with having made the best choice of the ideas of freedom, which is more than 50% of Argentines, what do we do? “Do we leave the country to Massa?” he asked ironically.


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