Martial Arts and Basketball News: Karate Judo Club of Sciacca and Sicilian Basketball Athletes

Martial arts. Another trip for the Karate Judo Club of

Sciacca directed by maestro Pippo Piazza. The Saccense association will be the protagonist in Palermo with the judo sector. This is the third and final stage of the Regional Rookie A Tournament, i.e. those born in 2011, a competitive commitment which will be held on Sunday 29 October.

Maestro Pippo Piazza and coach Alberto Catanzaro will present the young athletes Virginia Monteleone and Beatrice Saladino on the stage, athletes who, at the moment, are both at the top of the tournament rankings. Manuela Piazza will accompany the girls to Palermo. An important commitment that could represent a springboard for both Saladino and Monteleone.

And let’s move on to basketball. Monitoring and gatherings for the best basketball athletes from the various Sicilian provinces continue. The next appointments are scheduled for November 5th at the municipal gym in via Berlinguer in Ribera. The protagonists will be the athletes born in 2009 and 2010. As is known, the Sicily Regional Committee is coordinated by coach Ivan Drigo, while at the provincial level the RTP Agrigento contact person is Giovanni Monastero from Sacce.

For the territory of Western Sicily, therefore, two separate training sessions were promoted, one for those called up born in 2009 and the other for those called up born in 2010. Among the 2009 players Andrea Infantino from Icaro Basket Sciacca was also called up, while between In 2010 Enrico Schittone and Baldo Stagno were called up, again from the Icaro team of coaches Giovanni Monastero and Santo Tirnetta.

The monitoring serves, in fact, to closely verify the growth and technical and competitive development of those who are considered, at the moment, as the best athletes from the provinces of Agrigento, Palermo, Trapani and Caltanissetta. For Infantino, Schittone and Stagno the opportunity to compare themselves with others of the same age and to grasp the indications that will be formulated by the regional and federal technical staff.

2023-10-27 15:09:44
#Judo #Basketball #todays #sports #page #appointments


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