Milan, Scaroni: ‘It’s nice to be first, we want to stay there until the end’

“Stopping at the top of the rankings? We had already been there in the past but I like to be on top at the end of the championship”. These are the words of Paolo Scaroni, president of Milan, who spoke on the occasion of the WEmbrace event, organized by Bebe Vio, and which also saw the highest managers of Milan, Inter and Monza present. “What happens in the meantime – continues Scaroni – gives me a certain pleasure but I like it more in the end and that’s what we want: to win every match.”

“Bebe Vio is a force of nature”

On the charity evening: “I saw Marotta, but we didn’t talk about stadiums today. This is such a beautiful event, which is very close to our hearts and has become a symbol of the inclusive sport that lies in the drives of the Milan Foundation. We are making a great effort with Bebe Vio to make sport a moment of inclusion. Bebe is a force of nature, look what she has organized this evening. She can do anything and she will…”

1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Milan #Scaroni #nice #stay


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