New Leadership Awaited for Baseball in Parral Zone IV: Municipal Sports Institute Welcomes Potential Candidates

Gabriel González, director of the Parralense Municipal Sports Institute, given the rumors of who will be in charge of baseball in jurisdiction four, where apparently there are several who have raised their hands to accept this important challenge, said that he is waiting for news, but that whoever arrives will be well received and supported, we want it to be in the right hands.

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Given what was indicated, the head of Inmudepa, stated that they are with their doors open, to welcome the one or those who take the reins of the “king of sports”, a sporting discipline that has given great satisfaction to the people of Parral, within the Senior State Championship.

This to the rumors, which mention that Irad Encinas, has already declined his position, at the head of the Fourth Zone, where in recent days, people who want to be the leaders have been mentioned, but at the moment there is no news, in this sense.

In this sense, the sports leader in the municipality said that, when it is announced that it is appropriate, they will welcome whoever arrives, to support them, since the fans deserve that the Parral team be competitive, this is because the title has not been won in the last three years and in the last one it was lost in the first round of the playoffs.

Given this, he highlighted that, in Parral, there is a lot of potential and I assert that they, as the Municipal Sports Institute and the Municipal Presidency, continue to support the municipal baseball committee, adding that he believes that everyone should unite, for this to come to fruition.

When asked if he knew who those who raised their hands are, in order to see if they are given the opportunity to direct the fourth jurisdiction, he responded that he does not know the situation, what he is communicating is that he does not know what the reality of the circumstance is with Irad Encinas, yes. whether he resigned or not, that’s why they are waiting for news.

What he did affirm is that, in Parral, they have a good group of players, with whom they can do good things, in addition to having a worthy fan base and now that they have a large stadium with synthetic grass, So he believes that Parral should have a much better 2024.

On the other hand, he stated that the creation of a board of trustees has been heard, this would be a good option, so that it has a little more control, more people working and not just one person, but he does not know the formation of the legal part of the board. formation of the Board of Trustees and its operating rules.

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Finally, Gabriel González, pointed out whoever comes to direct baseball, the Municipal Presidency through INMUDEPA, as well as the fans, are there to welcome and support them, to the benefit of baseball in Zone IV, since unity is strength, Well, it would be a win-win.


In the graphic, Gabriel González, head of the Parralense Municipal Sports Institute. Photo: Eduardo Villalobos

2023-10-04 01:26:08
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