Olympic Champion Clarisse Agbégnénou Speaks Out Amid Dispute Over Apartment Conditions

Clarisse Agbégnénou gave her version of the facts. Accused of renting an apartment in an indecent condition, the double Olympic champion said on Tuesday that she was “in good faith” in the dispute between her and her tenant and claimed to have “done everything” to initiate work. “I was very unhappy about that because there were things that were really diverted from the facts. I was really in good faith,” declared the 30-year-old judoka during a briefing. press organized two weeks before the European Judo Championships (November 3-5).

On Thursday, the “Streetpress” news site reported that the standard bearer of the French delegation to the Tokyo Olympics was accused by her tenant of renting her an “indecent” apartment, a qualification below unsanitary. In particular, the accommodation would have dangerous levels of humidity.

Speaking to “StreetPress”, this 35-year-old woman claims that the work necessary to clean up the apartment was never carried out, even though she would have alerted her owner more than a year ago. She also claims that the state of the housing is the cause of the health problems of her two children aged 3 and 6. “I did everything to make this person feel good. Especially when there are children, I am the first one concerned so it affected me,” assured Agbégnénou.

“I hired a company to do the work, the door was never opened, she defended herself. I hope that it will be resolved very quickly, whether on their side or mine. Obviously , people can’t live like that (but) it’s not my fault. It’s caused by water damage and in this case, I’m not responsible. I did everything behind to fix it things.”

I try to ignore it by telling myself that I am straight in my sneakers

The six-time world champion says she has entrusted the dispute to a lawyer “to free herself from all that and be calm for the European Championships”. “Afterwards, I try to ignore it by telling myself that I am straight in my sneakers,” she added. According to “Streetpress”, Clarisse Agbégnénou would have taken legal action against her tenant to claim the sum of 5,264 euros for unpaid rent, without AFP being able to obtain confirmation of this information.

2023-10-17 22:20:37
#Clarisse #Agbégnénou #accused #renting #indecent #accommodation #pleads #good #faith



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