Over 900 victims in Israel. ‘1,500 Palestinian terrorists found dead on Gaza border’ – News

Near the Gaza border, in Israeli territory, “the bodies of approximately 1,500 Palestinian terrorists were found”. The Jerusalem Post writes it on its X account.

The new Israeli death toll continues to rise and has reached 900
. There are 2,500 injured, many of them seriously. There would then be 750 missing and at least 100 hostages in the hands of Hamas. Among them Americans and Germans. 260 people died at the rave of young pacifists in the desert.

The Palestinian death toll has risen to 687 after the Israeli raids. This was announced by the Gaza Ministry of Health, writes the Guardian. The injured are 3,726. “The Israeli occupation extends attacks against medical teams, health facilities and ambulances, resulting in the death of 5 health workers and the wounding of 10 others with various injuries,” read a ministry statement posted on Facebook.

“We have only begun to strike Hamas and we will not stop”. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said this, according to which “it is a war for our existence”. Netanyahu then compared Hamas to ISIS: “Just as we defeated ISIS, we will also defeat Hamas.” “Hard days await us but we are determined to win this war for our people.”
“I appeal to the opposition parties for a national emergency government but without preconditions” added the prime minister. “The people are united, the leadership must be united too”, he underlined.

Video Hamas and its supporters

The Zaka rabbinical organization announced the discovery of 108 bodies of Israelis in Kibbutz Be’eri, near the eastern border with the Gaza Strip, on the first day of searches for victims. The newspaper Haaretz writes it.

We will begin to publicly execute an Israeli civilian hostage for every Israeli bombing of civilian homes in Gaza without warning” Hamas announced this as quoted by the Israeli media.

Israeli planes bombed the Jabalia fruit and vegetable market
, in the north of the Strip, very crowded at that time. THE over 50 have died. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant ordered the “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip. “I have ordered the complete siege: there will be no electricity, no food, no petrol. Everything is closed,” Gallant added after a security consultation at the Southern Command in Beersheba. “We are fighting human animals and we will behave accordingly,” he said, quoted by the media. “No negotiations possible” at the moment with Israel, he said a Hamas official in Doha, Qatar.

“At least 11” American citizens have been killed in Hamas attacks in Israel, many of whom had made Israel “their second home.” Joe Biden reports this, adding that there are also American citizens missing and that “we are working with Israeli leaders to get more information on their whereabouts”. “While we are still working to confirm this, we believe it is likely that those detained by Hamas include American citizens,” Biden added.

Video Israeli air attacks on Gaza, explosions and columns of smoke between buildings

“We have to enter Gaza.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said this to Joe Biden, according to Axios reporting citing Israeli and American sources.during the telephone interview on Sunday. “We have to go in. We can’t negotiate now,” Netanyahu reportedly told Biden when he asked him about the hostages. The American president would not have tried to convince him not to proceed and would have asked him about the possible second front on the border between Israel and Lebanon. Netanyahu replied that the Lebanese front is a cause for concern and Israel is preparing, but there is no choice but to respond forcefully in Gaza.

Hamas meanwhile announces that Four Israeli prisoners were killed by Israeli raids on Gaza in the last hours.

According to the Washington Post, the US expects a large ground operation against Hamas in Gaza in the next 24-48 hours. Israel has in fact asked the US for missiles for the Iron Dome, small diameter bombs, machine gun ammunition and greater cooperation in sharing intelligence information to respond to the very harsh attack by Hamas.

Video Rafah, search for survivors among the rubble of a house

“The Government expresses its closeness and solidarity with the people of Israel and the Italian Jewish communities. Terror will never prevail“, commented Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

For further information Agenzia ANSA 300 reservists leaving at Fiumicino, Noa’s story – News “I’m trying to leave from Fiumicino airport, it’s my duty. With me there are more than 300 boys recalled by the Israeli army as reservists on active duty .

Meloni-Biden-Scholz-Sunak-Macron conversation on Israel

For further information ANSA Agency Summit of 5 leaders, protection of hostages the priority. Firm support for Israel, condemns Hamas – News – Ansa.it Melons, avoid widening the crisis and protect civilians (ANSA)

The northern front heats up, battle with Hezbollah. The US warning

Israel’s northern front lights up on the border with Lebanon dominated by Hezbollah: the pro-Iranian armed party has engaged the Israeli army together with others from the Islamic Jihad in a shootout at the border, preceded and followed by artillery bombardments against non-resident areas. live in southern Lebanon. The pro-Iranian Shiite militiamen, who admitted having lost four militiamen, then launched a raid on two Israeli barracks. The tension along the northern border began after the Israeli army reported that some suspected militiamen had infiltrated from Lebanon. “The soldiers – said the spokesperson – have deployed in the area” near Ayta Shaab, near the Israeli settlements of Shtula and Zarit. And residents of numerous localities have been told to stay indoors. A firefight began, which ended with the killing of all the militiamen, reported the armed forces, who also began hitting enemy positions in Lebanese territory. Initially Hezbollah, which yesterday had claimed responsibility for launching rockets against three military positions along the Blue Line of demarcation, systematically denied being involved in the military operation along the Blue Line. While this ground blitz was claimed by Islamic Jihad, the Palestinian fundamentalist group active in Gaza together with Hamas. In the evening, however, Hezbollah changed its tune. And he announced that “Islamic Resistance groups attacked” two Israeli barracks “using guided missiles and mortar shells that hit them directly.” An attack that occurred as a “first response” to the killing of his 4 militiamen. The escalation is being followed with concern in Beirut. Where Prime Minister Najib Miqati, at the head of a government which includes Hezbollah ministers, pronounced the first official Lebanese reaction to what is happening between Gaza and Israel, claiming that this is “the inevitable result of the actions of the Israeli enemy against the Palestinians and their legitimate claims”. A few hours earlier, the Lebanese Foreign Minister, Abdallah Bou Habib, had been reassured by the leaders of the Party of God that there would be no attack against Israel, unless there was an attack on Lebanon. But the situation deteriorated in the space of a few hours. Iran’s shadow continues to loom over the war between Israel and Hamas, with the involvement of Hezbollah. Tehran, which in the morning had denied any direct involvement in the Hamas offensive, has instead returned to claiming a role of political support for the action of the Palestinian armed forces starting from the Strip, as reported by US press sources. “The iron determination of the Palestinian nation and the fighters of God’s way herald the sure triumph over the Zionist regime,” Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said during a new conversation with exiled Hamas leader Ismail Haniye. “Soon we will pray together at the al-Aqsa Mosque” in Jerusalem, added Raisi, referring to Islam’s third holy site after Mecca and Medina. “Despite the disparity in resources and services between the resistance forces and the Zionist army, the Palestinian warriors upset the balance of the Zionist regime, using the element of surprise in a large-scale operation,” he said. added Raisi, who predicted the “final victory of the Palestinian nation.”

The Lebanese militant group Hezbollah should not make the “wrong decision” to open a second front against Israel while fighting Hamas attacks, a senior Pentagon official has warned. “We are deeply concerned that Hezbollah will make the wrong decision and choose to open a second front in this conflict,” the source said.

Tehran: ‘We are with Hamas but we are not behind the attacks’

“We proudly and unswervingly support Palestine, however we are not involved in the Palestinian response (the attack on Israel, ed.), which was conducted only by the Palestinians”: Iran’s mission to the United Nations declared this in a statement , referring to Hamas attacks against the Jewish state. “The action of the Palestinian Resistance was a fully legitimate defense against the crimes and usurpations of the illegitimate Zionist regime”, we read again in the statement from the Tehran mission.

The UN alarm, over 123,000 displaced in the Gaza strip

More than 123,000 people have been displaced in the Gaza Strip, the United Nations Humanitarian Affairs Office reports. “Over 123,538 people have been displaced within Gaza, mainly due to fear, protection issues and the destruction of their homes,” the UN humanitarian agency, Ocha, reported, with over 73,000 refugees in schools.

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2023-10-09 22:05:00
#victims #Israel #Palestinian #terrorists #dead #Gaza #border #News


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