Pitching Coach Ricky Bones Joins Cardenales de Lara as Preseason Begins

The last missing piece of the Cardenales de Lara technical staff joined the preseason this Saturday. Ricky Bones, pitching coach of the crepusculars, arrived at the Antonio Herrera Gutierrez stadium in Barquisimeto.

Bones will be there for the second consecutive year with Henry Blanco. Let us remember that last season the Puerto Rican was the pitching coach of the La Guaira Sharks.

Bones joined the team on his seventh day of Cardinals practice, where they had their first friendly meeting. It was a 10-1 victory for the red birds against Buenos Aires de Carora.

Read also: Carrara: “We have worked very hard”

The truth is that there are just a few days left until the 2023-24 LVBP campaign begins and Cardenales de Lara continues to get into shape in Barquisimeto.

2023-10-15 01:16:44
#Cardinals #completed #technical #staff


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