PSG’s Blocking of Star Transfer: Marco Verratti Opens Up

Foot – Market – PSG

PSG blocked the transfer of a star, he reveals his truths

Published on October 4, 2023 at 00:00

Arriving in 2012, Marco Verratti left PSG a few weeks ago to join Al-Arabi in Qatar. But the Italian international had already been close to leaving six years ago, during the 2017 summer transfer window. He then wanted to join FC Barcelona, ​​but Nasser Al-Khelaïfi blocked his departure.

On September 13, the PSG formalized the departure of Marco Verratti. It’s a story that lasted 11 years which has come to an end, but it could have ended much earlier. During the summer of 2017, the Italian midfielder wanted to join the FC Barcelonaas his agent at the time indicated, Donato Di Campli : “Braida and the former director Fernandez came to Paris, to Marco. The player gave me the green light to set up the operation, then everything was blocked…” he declared in an interview with Calciomercato.

“Verratti told PSG he wanted to go to Barcelona”

“President Al-Khelaifi blocked everything? Yes, him. Verratti told PSG he wanted to go to Barcelona, ​​I was on holiday with him in Ibiza and I preferred him to go straight from there to Barcelona without going through Paris to train. I was afraid they wouldn’t let him go,” added Donato Di Campli. “With us there was also Maxwell, that year a PSG player and today an agent who took care of Marco’s transfer to Qatar. Because in football, in the end, all circles close…”

“Marco was locked in a room where they told him they would take Neymar”

“Verratti and Maxwell returned to Paris, Marco was locked in a room where they told him that they would take Neymar, renew his contract and do whatever he wanted, but on one condition: he had to leave his agent” , has followed Donato Di Campli. “It was July 17, 2017, the same day my wife had foot surgery. I learned that Verratti had changed agents. But he didn’t tell me, I read it on the internet… I tried to call him in Miami where he was with PSG, he told me that Mino Raiola was there but it was a case, he only wanted to carry out the renewal operation but he did not want to take him as his agent. Instead, I understood that this would be the moment of my end. »

2023-10-03 22:00:00
#PSG #blocked #transfer #star #reveals #truths


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