Rocío Nahle resigns as Secretary of Energy, confirms AMLO – El Sol de México

The Secretary of Energy, Rocío Nahle, presented her resignation from the position, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador confirmed on Friday.

“I thanked him for his support and I wish him luck in his legitimate aspiration,” the president said in his message through his X account (formerly Twitter).

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Nahle seeks to become the coordinator of the defense of the Fourth Transformation in the governorship of Veracruz, for which she has already registered as an applicant.

The president accompanied his message with a video in which he expressed during a meeting with the governor of Veracruz, Cuitláhuac García; the director of Pemex, Octavio Romero; the Secretary of Economy, Raquel Buenrostro, and other members of his legal and expanded cabinet who thanked him for his support of Nahele and wished him luck.

López Obrador said that Nahle “is going to develop his talent, his imagination, his talent in another activity” and stressed that he wishes him the best, because he believes he deserves it.

“She is an exceptional woman, a good professional. “She has principles, she has ideals and she is an honest woman and she will be with us until today in charge as Secretary of Energy,” said the Tabasco native.

He stressed that, among other things, he had to complete “the great work” of the Dos Bocas refinery.

At the end of his message, the president asked them to give a loud round of applause to the current Energy Minister.

Rocío Nahle was a worker at Petróleos Mexicanos and has been responsible for implementing López Obrador’s energy policy and defending it against Mexico’s trade partners.

This Friday she left her position to seek to be the first female governor of Veracruz.

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On October 4, President López Obrador had already announced that Rocio Nahle would leave her position at Sener, but this Friday she also did not indicate who will replace her in the agency.

2023-10-14 00:29:13
#Rocío #Nahle #resigns #Secretary #Energy #confirms #AMLO #Sol #México


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