Sandro Tonali Faces Possible Season-Ending Suspension for Betting on Matches


Act. a las 14:04


This Wednesday’s Champions League match between Newcastle and the Borussia Dortmund It could be his last game of this season

Tonali will also have to follow a therapeutic plan and take part in conferences in schools and amateur sports associations against betting.

Sandro Tonali He is going through the worst moments of his career. This Wednesday’s Champions League match between Newcastle and the Borussia Dortmund It could be the Italian midfielder’s last game until next season.

Tonali will know his final sanction in the next few hours for having bet on football matches, among which there were matches of the Milan and of Brescia, teams where the Italian midfielder played.

While awaiting the final verdict, the Newcastle player has closed the pact with the Prosecutor’s Office, which will result in him being sanctioned with his 10 month disqualificationin addition to a financial penalty greater than the 12,500 euros that were agreed between the prosecutor’s office and Nicolò Fagioli. In addition, the Italian will not receive his salary, since Newcastle He does not intend to assume his record during the sanction.

Apart from this financial sanction, the Juventus player was disqualified for the next seven months, will have to go to therapy for six months and will have to hold a cycle of at least 10 public meetings about the negative effects of betting.

Tonali negotiates with the prosecution

In the case of Tonali it will be worse. The newcomer to Newcastle is negotiating his punishment with the prosecution and everything indicates that he will be banned for at least the next ten months. Like his compatriot, He will also have to follow a therapeutic plan and lead conferences in schools and amateur sports associations against betting.

Sandro Tonali’s sanctions could have been harsher. However, his willingness to collaborate with the prosecution in this way and the fact that he was ruled out inciting other players to bet has served to reduce his punishment.

Thus, The season is over for Sandro Tonalias well as his chances of representing his country to defend the crown in the Euro 2024.

2023-10-25 12:04:36
#Tonali #Sanction #Tonali #punishment #Euro #Cup #million #losses


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