“Snooker federation must ask itself why 5 top players choose an exhibition tournament over a ranking event” | Snooker

Five snooker top players, including world champion Luca Brecel, would choose a lucrative tournament in Macau over the Northern Ireland Open later this month.

This did not go down well with the WST, because it would conflict with the contract that snooker professionals have with the International Snooker Federation. The WST threatened disciplinary sanctions, honorary chairman Barry Hearn responded sharply: “They are selling their souls for some pocket money.”

It may not come to that, as the tournament in Macau is reportedly looking for another date that does not conflict with the WST calendar.

Yet the démarche of the “Macau 5” continues to dominate snooker news. Ex-world champion Shaun Murphy sheds light on it in the onefourseven podcast.

“As a professional player we should be free to choose where we want to play, but once you sign a contract with the WST you are bound by it. As a player you need to know that. Going to a tournament in Macau during a ranking event is a clear case of breach of contract,” says Murphy.

The Englishman does understand Luca Brecel and co. “Contrary to what Barry Hearn claimed, it is not about some pocket money,” Murphy says.

“I have already been invited to an exhibition tournament in China three times this year. That is more rewarding than a final place at the Northern Ireland Open and you also play without pressure.”

“I understand those 5 players. You don’t have any stress, you are pampered and spoiled like a rock star. I don’t think they deserve a sanction. We should have the freedom to play where we want.”

Murphy makes a call to the WST. “It is up to the WST, among other things, to ensure that their product is as attractive as possible. And they must ask themselves why players choose an exhibition tournament in Macau over a ranking event.”

2023-10-13 11:07:45
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