State Public Transport Targets Homex-Tec Truck Route in Xalapa

Written in VERACRUZ on 10/21/2023 · 07:58 hs

XALAPASEE.- From Wednesday the 18th to this coming October 20th, elements of the State Public Transport have stopped six trucks of the Homex-Tec truck route, which provides transportation service public transportation in more than twenty colonies of Xalapa.

The route has 16 trucks that provide service from 5:30 in the morning to 9 at night from Monday to Sunday that communicate from Las Torres, Homex, Power Plant, National Marina, Camino Antiguo to Naolinco, Shooting Range , Hernández Castillo, Urban Center, Plaza Cristal, Plaza Américas, and Arco Sur.

Daily ticketing is 700 complete tickets and 300 student tickets; Each unit makes at least eight turns, so they manage to transport more than 16 thousand users of the route that circulates through a large part of the city.

“Since Wednesday they started with operations in State Transportation, they stop us for anything and they take you to the corralón; The traffic officer took the people out of the unit, as far as I know it is not allowed, otherwise the route must be finished and from there they take you to the corralón, however, they took the people down,” said Armando Martínez, one of the drivers of the units.

The driver commented that the six units are still in the corralón and until this Friday the cost to remove them was 10 thousand pesos. They presume that operational They have the objective of taking away the route to give it to another company, when they did the work of accrediting the service and guaranteeing the transfer of users.

He commented that at this moment the units are stopped at the Las Torres terminal, and since yesterday, Thursday, October 19, five trucks from the Xalapa Urban Service arrived, which began to provide the service, however, they take two and a half hours to complete the service. route, which causes delays in users.

Get to know the new truck route in Xalapa

“Right now they are not offering evenings, we provide a constant service, and people already know, (…) the route has been there for about 10 years, we started when no one wanted to add units, not even those from the SUX.”

The trucks make their journey from Arco Sur to the Towers in two hours and the units left every eight minutes, people were already used to it, so now it has been provoked effects on the xalapeños. A taxi charges from Las Torres to the center at least 70 pesos, while from Homex to the center the cost varies from 50 to 60 pesos.

Next Monday they will go to the offices of Public transportation to “resolve” the situation, however, they are asking user signatures to have the support and maintain the service.

The drivers of the units are collecting signatures in the Las Torres terminalat the entrance to 6 de Junio, at the Tecnológico de Xalapa, at the Fasty de Homex, at the Super Che in Campo del Tiro, and in the Marina Nacional chapel.

They report poor service in Jalcomulco trucks

On social networks, route users have shown their dissatisfaction with the operations and departure of the route, since it now takes longer to reach their destinations due to the lack of trucks, while they have shown support for the Homex – Tec route. With phrases such as “Homex Tec, from the people to the people” or “HOMEX – TEC may put my life at risk, but never my punctuality,” they show their support for the route to return.


2023-10-21 13:58:00
#Homex #Tec #truck #route #disappear #Xalapa


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