The 12 best abdominal exercises to do in your living room with a wall (program included)

To perform these abdominal exercises you need a wall, but normally we all have one at home…!

The wall will serve as support or add a certain degree of difficulty and will break the monotony with fun exercises that change traditional abdominal exercises!

Before you begin, check that the wall on which you want to perform your abdominal strengthening session is not porous or slippery.

Use shoes with soles and small cleats so you don’t slip. In case of a white interior wall, it is better to take off your shoes and go barefoot to avoid slipping in your socks!

Warm up your whole body before you start. In fact, most of the exercises presented work a set of muscle chains and not just the abdominals.

For a more precise idea of ​​the number of repetitions and sets to perform, see you at the end of the article!

1/ The traditional feet-to-the-wall crunch

Execution: we start with a simple exercise that resembles the traditional crunch that we know well.

Lie on your back and position your feet on the wall at a right angle with your knees. Engage perineum and transverse by sucking in your navel, then position your hands at temple level.

Lift the bust by bringing the ribs towards the hips. Look far ahead, keep your elbows open and a fist’s distance between your chin and your sternum so as not to pull on the back of your neck.

More difficult variant: If you have no discomfort in the cervical area, you can add an additional load (dumbbell, weights, water bottle, etc.) which you will position at forehead level.

Difficulty level : *

2/ Cross-crawl feet to the wall

Execution: same initial position and instructions as the previous exercise.

However, when raising your chest, bring the shoulder towards the opposite knee to activate the obliques.

Alternate right and left. The hips remain fixed and the rotation is done from the center of the body.

More difficult variant: as for the previous exercise, collect a load in your hands and position it in front of your forehead.

Difficulty level : *

3/ Mountain climber against the wall

Execution: standing, place your hands on the wall and push it away with your arms. Stand back and perform diagonal knee raises towards the inside. You thus bring the right knee towards the elbow of the left arm then the left knee towards the right elbow.

More difficult variation: speed up the pace to get your cardio up!

Difficulty level : *

4/ The dynamic lateral cladding leaning against the wall

Execution: here is an interesting exercise for the obliques and the transverse.

Stand next to the wall. Place one forearm on the wall and lift yourself away from the wall while remaining sideways.

Keep your torso straight to find yourself in a side plank.

Move your hips towards the wall without touching it then do the opposite movement by pushing your hips towards the sky.

Don’t forget to switch sides once the set is over.

More difficult variation: to increase the difficulty of the exercise, lift the top leg off. You will be in a situation of instability and you will have to gain more to maintain correct execution.

Difficulty level : **

5/ The side clamp

Execution: place yourself in a lateral position with your forearm against the wall (see previous exercise).

From this position, bring the knee and elbow together using a side “crunch” movement.

Imagine that you want to bring your ribs and your hip together, while contracting the center of the body as much as possible.

Return to the basic position and repeat on the same side.

Once the set is over, switch sides.

More difficult variation: for more difficulty, do not rest your leg on the ground.

Difficulty level : **

6/ The windshield wiper against the wall

Execution: lie on your back, buttocks close to the wall and legs stretched against the wall.

Position your arms in a cross, palms facing the floor.

Rock both legs to the right then return to the initial position using the center of the body to raise your legs.

Do the same on the left side. Limit the amplitude to keep both shoulders anchored to the ground throughout the exercise.

More difficult variation: if you are comfortable, try to lower your legs as low as possible while ensuring that your shoulders do not come off the ground.

Difficulty level : **

7/ The front board with feet on the wall

Execution: position your hands on the ground in a plank position then place your feet against the wall, aligning your shoulders, glutes and feet.

Engage the center of the body by sucking in your belly button.

Make sure your shoulders are above your wrists.

More difficult variation: to increase the difficulty of the exercise, add instability by taking one hand off the ground or one foot off the wall.

Try to keep your hips facing the ground as much as possible.

Difficulty level : **

8/ The side plank with feet on the wall

Execution: lying on your left side, perpendicular to the wall, position both feet against the wall with legs straight.

Cross your legs so that both feet touch the wall with the top foot placed in front.

Lean on your left hand and lift your pelvis until your body forms a straight line, aligning your head, navel, pubis and ankles.

Strongly engage the abdominal strap. Maintain the position, being careful not to let the pelvis sag.

Change sides, and maintain the same working time.

More difficult variation: for more difficulty, position your feet one on top of the other or take the leg off the top.

Difficulty level : **

9/ Side plank combined with a crunch, feet on the wall

Execution: perform a side plank with your feet against the wall (see previous exercise).

Stretch your arm to your ear. From this position, bring the knee of the top leg towards the elbow, then return to the starting position. Once the set is over, switch sides.

More difficult variation: for more intensity, do not rest your foot against the wall. This will create additional instability and require even greater cladding.

Difficulty level : ***

10/ Le wall bridge

Execution: stand with your back to the wall.

Start close to the wall for ease, about 50 centimeters from the wall.

Place your feet hip-width apart, parallel, then raise your arms straight to your ears. Raise both thumbs.

From this position, contract your glutes and abs as much as possible, then lean backwards to touch the wall with your thumbs.

Then, push into the wall to return to the starting position while always contracting your center of the body and your glutes as much as possible to protect your lower back.

This exercise will also allow you to work on your opening in your anterior chain: hips, abdominals and shoulders, while strengthening your center of the body and your posterior chain.

More difficult variation: move your feet away from the wall. The further you are from the wall, the more difficult the exercise will be.

Difficulty level : ***

11/ Le wall walk ou wall climb

Execution: this movement mainly used in Crossfit recruits several muscle groups simultaneously, notably the shoulders, chest, arms, legs but also the center of the body. It requires first having strength in the arms, some lower and upper body coordination as well as being comfortable with inversion. Place yourself in a plank position with your hands on the floor, arms on the floor, body aligned, and feet close to the wall. Gradually raise your feet on the wall until you end up in a head-down balance position, face against the wall, and hands as close to the wall as possible. Return to the basic position by walking with your hands and feet in reverse. During the ascent and descent, try to be as core as possible by engaging the center of the body as much as possible and avoiding swinging your body to the sides.

More difficult variation: instead of starting in a plank position, start with your chest on the ground and do a triceps push-up to stand up.

Difficulty level : ***

12/ Les wall ball sit-ups

Execution: Medicine ball sit-ups against a wall have also been popularized by CrossFit.

Lie on your back with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle and your feet on the floor.

Pick up a medicine ball with both hands, arms overhead. Return to a seated position using the strength of your abdominals while throwing the medicine ball against the wall.

Keep both feet on the ground.

When the medicine ball bounces towards you, catch it and lower yourself to the ground while controlling your movement.

If you need more stability, you can block your feet under a pair of dumbbells or other support.

More difficult variation: increase the weight of the medicine ball.

Difficulty level : ***

3 training ideas to strengthen your abs with a wall

Abdominal workout, easy level

Number of repetitions / Time
Number of series
Recovery time

The traditional feet-to-the-wall crunch
30 repetitions 4 sets 30 seconds

The dynamic lateral cladding leaning against the wall
30 seconds 3 sets None (alternating right and left side)

The front board with feet on the wall
30 seconds 3 sets 30 seconds

The side plank with your foot on the wall
30 seconds 3 sets None (alternating right and left side)

Cross-crawl feet to the wall
30 repetitions (right and left = 1 repetition) 4 sets 30 seconds

The mountain climber against the wall
30 seconds 4 sets 30 seconds

Oblique focus training, intermediate level

Number of repetitions
Number of series
Recovery time

Cross-crawl feet to the wall
30 repetitions (right and left = 1 repetition) 4 sets 20 seconds

The mountain climber against the wall
40 seconds 4 sets 20 seconds

The windshield wiper against the wall
40 seconds 4 sets 20 seconds

The side clamp
20 repetitions 4 sets None (alternating right and left side)

Side plank combined with a crunch, feet on the wall
20 repetitions 4 sets None (alternating right and left side)

12-minute circuit, confirmed level

Work time
Number of turns

Le wall bridge
45 seconds 4 laps

Le wall walk ou wall climb
45 seconds

Les wall ball sit-ups
45 seconds Updated by Quentin on: 10/26/2023

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