The Arrival of the In-Season Tournament: NBA Introduces Colorful and Flashy Floors

This is the big news of this 2023-24 NBA season: the arrival of the In-Season Tournament. To mark the occasion, the League is not doing things by halves since the matches counting for this brand new tournament will be played on special (and very colorful) floors.

Warning the eyes.

While the very first In-Season Tournament will begin this Friday, November 3, ESPN has just unveiled 30 specific floors – one for each team – which will therefore be used for regular season matches also counting for the tournament. Forget traditional parquet floors, let’s go for colorful and flashy parquet floors that are sure to leave no one indifferent.

The in-season tournament will include new, special courts for all 30 teams — revealed exclusively here. These are unlike almost anything you’ve seen in the NBA:

— Zach Lowe (@ZachLowe_NBA) October 30, 2023

Lots of different colors (in connection with the City Edition jerseys, you will have noticed), but a template common to the 30 floors to make it clear that we are watching an In-Season Tournament match.

We will thus find the trophy everywhere in the middle of the field behind the team logo (and an alternative version in the rackets), and a central strip running from one end of the field to the other supposed to represent a takeoff runway ( towards the Final Four in Las Vegas). It’s original, it’s daring, and therefore necessarily a little risky.

“The biggest decision was to paint the entire floor without having any trace of the wood look. That was the ‘Wow’.”

– Christopher Arena, responsable marketing NBA

This is exactly what it looks like:

So, what do you think? Do you like the originality of the concept? Or are you more afraid of epileptic seizures?


Source texte : ESPN

2023-10-30 17:01:00
#special #colorful #parquet #floors


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