The Never-Ending Construction Nightmare: Frascati Residents Demand Answers

Published: Saturday, 28 October 2023 – current affairs editorial team

FRASCATI (current events) – The letter from a resident of the area – ​​exclusive content

We receive and publish from one of our readers, a citizen of Frascati.

“Dear editorial team,

wishing to continue the discussion of the letter published by you “the crafty people of Borgo San Rocco” which I fully subscribe to, I would like through you ask questions to our administrators (we asked them too without any response, ed): what guilt do we residents of Largo Pentini, Borgo San Rocco and surrounding areas?

There has been a building under our homes since June 2020 eternal construction site first the Terna power line then the laying of the fiber followed by the reconstruction of the electric line of the public streetlights which are continuously turned off once the work is finished.

READ Frascati endless construction site: via Fausto Cecconi closed for 20 days

Then the moving of the sewer collector to allow the you work at the school (by the way but will that very dangerous hole they opened ever be remedied?) with the mayor’s promise that after three months the cobblestones would be restored (work carried out last July after over a year).

READ Frascati held hostage by construction sites: the city center in delirium. Without any communication

Then the work on the first section of viale Regina Margherita and now those on the last stretch which, as the construction site sign states, were to be completed on September 13 us. And every time you remove the cobblestones you put back the cobblestones: it’s been three summers for us afternoon rest is precluded since we now have to rest at night giving up for some time since we have to endure noise every evening from all the birthdays and graduation parties that are celebrated under our windows in addition to the fulfillment of physiological needs and digestive problems.

We live as recluses without being able to afford to move our cars because in addition to the jobs sacred platforms of the premises they can’t be touched and who cares if they take away parking spaces. To walk up the steps of Porta Granara you have to take an alternating one-way route because three flights are almost completely occupied by tables.

Several years have passed since havoc on the road system of Largo Pentini but still no one is thinking of bringing back a minimum of decency to the place.

With what functional and urban planning criterion was the disabled ramp in via Mamiani in front of the school? One realizes that the current direction of travel is on via Borgo san Rocco does it simply flood Via Gregoriana and “force” that dangerous inversion?

Be a rescue vehicle should it pass on Via Borgo San Rocco reduced to a mess? Why do we pretend nothing is happening by only focusing on the 6 stalls in the disco area? Thank you”.

2023-10-28 07:59:40
#residents #Borgo #San #Rocco #area #blocked #construction #sites #tables


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