The Silver Regional Phase of Rhythmic Gymnastics in Corinaldo: Results and Successes

The Silver regional phase of Rhythmic Gymnastics of the FGI took place in Corinaldo: all the placings

Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th October at the Palazzetto di Corinaldo took place there FGI Rhythmic Gymnastics Silver regional phase.

Organized by Senigallia sports club regional rhythmic gymnastics has landed in Corinaldo due to the concomitant judo competition at the Palazzetto di Senigallia which involved numerous athletes from the judo section.

After the summer preparation, the competitive sector of the rhythmic gymnastics section saw a decline a large number of gymnasts of various ages and categories on the platform obtaining numerous results reported below:

Category LA A1:
– Paradisi Adele 2nd place
– Branchini Matilde 3rd place
– Santini Emili Gaia 4th place

Category LA1 A2:
– Lenci Beatrice 2nd place

Category LA1 A3:
– Gabarrini Caterina 3rd place
– Fascilla Adele 4th place
– Messersi Martina 5th place

Category LA1 J1:
– Romagnoli Noemi 6th place

Category LA1 S2:
– Tonelli Elisa 1st place

Category LA2 A1:
– Marasca Malyssa 1st place
– Pomili Giada 2nd place
– Clementi Sophie 3rd place
– Mancini Olivia 4th place

Category LA2 A2:
-Carbini Maria Stella 3rd Classified
– Dicursi Viola 4th place

Categories LB1 A4:
– Breccia Sophie 1st place
– Filipponi Aurora 2nd place

Category LB2 J1:
– Pettinari Eleonora 3rd place

LB2 J2 Category:
– Mazzanti Elena 1st place

Categoria LC A2:
– Gregorini Alessia 4th place

Categoria LC J1:
– Ferretti Rebecca 2nd place
– Tombesi Letizia 5th place

Categoria LC S2:
– Cesaretti Ginevra 3rd place

LE A4 category:
– Zuares Dalila 1st place

These results are proof that the company makes all its technical resources available to be able to perform sports in the best possible way and works daily for the constant growth of its gymnasts. Special thanks go to the techniques that carry out an impeccable job of collaboration and construction: Abbrugiati Martina, Cesaretti Ginevra, Giacchetti Silvia, Lo Piccolo Elenaassisted by the work of the technical manager Montesi Elena. The management and all the staff were divided between the two buildings for the success of both federal events.

2023-10-31 18:52:10
#Rhythmic #gymnastics #weekend #remember #Polisportiva #Senigallia


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