The Worst News of NFL Week 8: Kirk Cousins Suffers Serious Injury

The worst news of NFL Week 8 came with the Very serious injury to Kirk Cousins, quarterback and one of the references of the Minnesota Vikings. Shortly after falling into the green of Lambeau Field ante los Green Bay Packers It was confirmed that he suffered a rupture of the Achilles tendon. He goes down the entire course and a blow for a player who was never an advertisement guy, but was one of the most beloved quarterbacks in the NFL. For whom everything has been complicated to the maximum. His future in sports, especially.

Cousins ​​became one of the most beloved players in the NFL by being key in the reaction as the Minnesota Vikings franchise and leaving powerful messages in the documentary ‘Quarterback’ with which Netflix brought the great quarterbacks closer to the general public.. “To some extent it’s about having it or not,” he reflected on what it’s like to be a high-level player in the NFL.

“The most important It is the mentality of believing. I don’t know if I have always had it, but now it is clear that we must know how to come back and make the play that is necessary at all times,” he added. He applied it on the field, as he started the 2023-24 season as one of the best players. 18 passing touchdowns, the best, 2,331 yards, the second best in the NFL and a very high 103.8 throwing rating. High-flying season, MVP candidate.

The most important thing is the mentality of believing

Kirk Cousins

Cousins ​​looks to pitch against the Packers.

But everything falls apart with his injury against the Packers. All. First of all the great course of it. And to this he added that he was experiencing a peculiar contractual situation by having only one year of extension at a rate of 35 million dollars after receiving his extensions of 84 million for three years in 2019 and 66 million for two years in 2020. The harsh reality of sport.

Cousins, warming up.

You know people who encourage us, pray for us, ask us for something and I think it’s worth something to improve their day,

Kirk Cousins

A special guy who lives a drama. Netflix gave him wings, his game multiplied them and now sadness floods the Vikings. Cousins, meanwhile, left the field injured but is still special. He applauded his companions, it didn’t matter if the stretcher removed him. He owes victories to the people, something he recalled in the documentary. “It’s the harsh reality of our business. It hurts to leave the field when you don’t win a game. “You meet people who encourage us, pray for us, ask us for something and I think something that improves their day is worth it, like an autograph or a simple victory,” he said.. If he ends his life in the Minnesota purple, he will leave 171 touchdowns, only 55 interceptions, 23,265 yards (264 yards per pass) and 67.9% in completions.

2023-10-30 10:14:58
#drama #Kirk #Cousins #player #Netflix #elevated


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