Victor Wembanyama Sets High Goals for Rookie Season with the San Antonio Spurs

The baptism of fire is approaching. Victor Wembanyama has already made a successful preseason debut. The French prodigy lacked skill last night (3 out of 10) but he caused a sensation in one way or another during each of his three outings with the San Antonio Spurs jersey. The official premiere is planned in a week during the derby against the Dallas Mavericks. In the meantime, the young man has defined his objectives for the season. Comments reported by our correspondent in Texas, Benjamin Moubèche.

« For me, a successful season would be a season where we get closer, even by 1%, to the final goal which is to win a title. Personally, I am ready to learn, to make all the sacrifices to help the franchise and get us closer to this goal.

From a personal point of view it’s the same, there is no real stats objective. But of course helping my team as much as possible will require good individual performances. But I have no doubt about our ability to win right now », notes the person concerned.

Victor Wembanyama also specifies that he is obviously aiming for the Rookie Of The Year trophy. If his body can handle the intense pace of the NBA regular season, he will most likely be in a good position to get the reward.

Against the Rockets, Wembanyama and the Spurs send the right message

2023-10-19 06:38:00
#Victor #Wembanyama #talks #goals #season


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