Why Aaron Rogers continues to believe in the Super Bowl

Woody Johnson put everything on one card this year. During his time as United States Ambassador to Great Britain, he had recently been more diplomatically reserved, but now things were different. Woody Johnson, part heir to the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical empire worth three and a half billion euros, saw an opportunity that he had to seize because such an opportunity perhaps only comes once. Woody Johnson struck. Full risk. No looking back.

Johnson is the owner of one of the worst football teams in recent years. Before the start of the current season, he made one of the most spectacular changes in recent memory: Aaron Rodgers, star quarterback, everyone’s darling in the National Football League (NFL) for a long time, before he experienced a total fall in public perception as a vaccination skeptic and Corona swearer , left the Green Bay Packers and joined the New York Jets, Woody Johnson’s team that made this mega transfer cost a fortune. Rodgers was supposed to lead the Jets to victory in the Super Bowl. From zero to one hundred in just one season. And then came September 11, 2023.


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