Xu Shiyan: Dominance in Asian Judo Championships and Asian Games

Xu Shiyan (March 15, 1997 -), Chinese female judo athlete, the gold medalist in the women’s 78kg and above category at the 2021 Asian Judo Championships, the silver medalist in the women’s 78kg category and above at the 2022 Asian Judo Championships, and the women’s 78kg and above category at the 2022 Asian Games Class silver medalist and mixed team bronze medalist.[1]

Seo Shi-yeon born March 15, 1997 (age 26) Professional judoka This article or its chapters rely heavily or entirely on a single source. (October 3, 2023)
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Xu Shiyan, March 15, 1997, Chinese female judoka, gold medalist in the women’s 78kg and above category at the 2021 Asian Judo Championships, silver medalist in the women’s category above 78kg at the 2022 Asian Judo Championships, silver medalist in the women’s category above 78kg at the 2022 Asian Games Winner and Mixed Team Bronze Medalist, born March 15, 1997, 26 years old, professional judoka, This article or its chapters are significantly or completely dependent on a single source, October 3, 2023, please help to add Various reliable sources are used to improve this article. To users, please search the title of the article, source search, web page, news, book, academic, image, to check whether there is more on this topic on the Internet. Xu Shiyan 1997 3 On March 15, Chinese female judoka 2021 Asian Judo Championship women’s 78kg and above gold medalist 2022 Asian Judo Championship women’s 78kg and above silver medalist 2022 Asian Games women’s 78kg and above silver medalist and mixed team bronze medalist 1 Xu Shiyan was born March 15, 1997 26-year-old professional judoka This article or its chapters rely heavily or completely on a single source October 3, 2023 Please help improve this article by adding multiple reliable sources Search the source of the title of the entry. Search Xu Shiyan’s web pages, news, books, and academic images to check whether there are more reliable sources of this topic on the Internet. Judgment Guidelines. This entry needs to be supplemented with more sources. October 3, 2023. Please help to supplement multiple reliable sources for improvement. The unverifiable content of this article may be removed due to objections. Users are advised to search for the source of the title of the article, search for Xu Shiyan’s web page, news, books, and academic images to check whether there are more reliable sources of this topic on the Internet. Judgment Guidelines Reference References Editor Shiyan , books, books, library,


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2023-10-30 15:40:58


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