a referendum on immigration “is no longer on the agenda” – L’Express

Emmanuel Macron and party leaders meeting this Friday, November 17, in Saint-Denis concluded that a referendum on immigration was not relevant in the absence of consensus on the subject, indicated several participants in the outcome of the meeting.

READ ALSO >> Macron and the referendum on immigration: when the “Télérama left” of the majority rebels

“There will be no referendum on immigration,” announced Marine Tondelier (EELV). “A consensus emerged around the table on the fact that it seemed complicated to expand the possibility of holding referendums on societal subjects such as immigration,” added Fabien Roussel (Communist Party). “The president is not currently considering this possibility,” said Jordan Bardella (National Rally), the only participant present to demand this consultation.

The boss of LR, Eric Ciotti, absent from the meeting, quickly reacted remotely: “as I predicted, today’s meetings in Saint-Denis led to nothing. The President even renounces the idea of ​​a referendum on immigration. All that for that!” He called on the presidential majority to vote in favor of a bill from his party “to stop mass immigration”, on the Assembly’s agenda on December 7.

During a previous meeting with the opposition, on August 30, Emmanuel Macron raised the possibility of facilitating the organization of the shared initiative referendum (RIP).

IVG in the Constitution: towards a meeting of Congress in March

The party leaders invited by Emmanuel Macron also reported that the bill including voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVG) in the Constitution will be presented on December 13 to the Council of Ministers, before a possible meeting of Parliament in Congress in March to confirm its adoption.

This text should be examined in Parliament in the first quarter of 2024. It will then be necessary for 3/5th of the deputies and senators, gathered during the Congress, to endorse the formulation, which aims to make abortion an “irreversible” right, according to the promise by Emmanuel Macron.



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