AC Milan-PSG: fake tickets and copious whistles, the hellish welcome from San Siro to Donnarumma

Anger was announced at San Siro for the return of Gianluigi Donnarumma to the Milanese lair with the jersey of an opponent of the Rossonero. Since his departure in 2021, Donnarumma had, of course, already returned to the San Siro pitch. But it was with Italy. Part of the stadium whistled for him. But the rest of the enclosure had preserved him since he was wearing the tunic of the Squadra Azzurra. This time it was different.

For several days the ultras of the Curva Sud, the most fiery of the Milanese, had promised him “hell”. “He will see how we welcome traitors,” one ultra had promised. Many Milanese criticize him for leaving his training club free two years ago when he had always presented himself as a child of Milan. Indeed, by refusing an extension when his club offered him the highest salary for a Serie A goalkeeper, eight million euros per year, Donnarumma was able to sign freely with Paris. And receive, like his agent Mino Raiola, a big signing bonus.

For his return, Curva Sud had prepared dozens of counterfeit American dollar bills bearing his image and the term “mercenario”. The dollars are counterfeit bills of… 71 dollars. This figure was not chosen by chance. In Italy, this number, in popular language, means “Uomo di merda.” »…

He will greet all the members of Milan he meets

Around the stadium, the ultras sold bundles of one-euro tickets for the benefit of an association. “We will collect a small donation for a football school,” wrote the members of Curva Sud in their fanzine. So that there are no more people without values ​​like this outraged person. » Arriving in the bowels of the stadium, Donnarumma showed no sign of nervousness. Smiling, he went to greet all the members of Milan he met before entering the Parisian locker room.

At 8:16 p.m., the PSG goalkeeper showed up for the warm-up. And it was strident and impressive. The entire stadium, since the parking lot for 4,300 Parisians was still empty, began to boo and whistle him. After a few seconds a huge chant of insults resonated throughout the stadium. And equally aggressive banners flourished around him.

Fake “Dollar-Rumma” after 10 minutes of play

But it was obviously the use of fake dollars that was most expected. The ultras had decided to pour them on him in the tenth minute. Ten as the number of millions of euros he is supposed to have received from PSG as a signing bonus.

From the kick-off, he had to take his place in front of the Curva Sud and the ticket throwing began. Just after Skriniar opened the score, when the clock showed 10 minutes, a countdown “Dieci, nove, otto,… etc” began. As promised, the ticket throwing has begun. But in a second, it turned into ridicule: the turns are separated from the field by a fifteen-meter passageway. A distance too wide to send pieces of paper onto the ground. As a result, the fans who dreamed of an interruption of the match to clean the pitch noticed, disappointed, that all their Dollar-Rumma finished their race behind the Parisian goal…


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