Anwar El Ghazi: Pardoned Mainz professional follows up with a new pro-Palestine post

Football Anwar El Ghazi

Pardoned Mainz professional follows up with a new pro-Palestine post

As of: 5:11 p.m. | Reading time: 3 minutes

Anwar El Ghazi shares a new pro-Palestine post shortly after his pardon and takes a stand against Mainz 05


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The Anwar El Ghazi case is entering the next round. Shortly after the Mainz 05 striker was pardoned, he followed up with a pro-Palestinian contribution. El Ghazi is also on a collision course with his club. The people of Mainz react immediately.

It was only on Monday that Anwar El Ghazi was surprisingly pardoned by Mainz 05 after his pro-Palestinian statements. Now the striker is following up on Instagram with another post about the war in the Middle East and taking a stand against his club.

Right at the beginning of his contribution, El Ghazi takes a stand against his club’s recent statements. “My position remains the same as at the beginning of this matter.” He made a “final statement to Mainz 05 and the public” on October 27th. He did not authorize any further statements or apologies.

The Mainz team only lifted El Ghazi’s suspension on Monday and reinstated him in the squad after an official warning. The justification stated: “In this context, El Ghazi clearly distanced himself from terrorist acts such as those by Hamas (…),” said the Zero Fives. “He stressed his sympathy for the victims of this attack as well as for all victims of this conflict. He made it clear that he does not question Israel’s right to exist.”

On Wednesday, just two days after his pardon, El Ghazi wrote on Instagram, among other things, that he was against “war and violence, the killing of innocent civilians, discrimination, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, genocide, apartheid, occupation and oppression.”

El Ghazi hides deaths in Israel

“I have no regrets or remorse about my position,” El Ghazi continued. The 28-year-old then speaks explicitly about children killed in the Gaza Strip: “The killing of more than 3,500 children in Gaza in the past three weeks can never be justified. How can we as a world remain silent when, according to the charity Save the Children, a child is killed in Gaza every ten minutes? That’s nine children killed in the time it takes me to play a soccer game. This number is increasing day by day.” In his post, El Ghazi nowhere mentions the Israeli civilians who were brutally killed, tortured or abducted in Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel on October 7th.

Here you will find content from Instagram

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According to information from “Bild”, the club is currently discussing suspending the player again. El Ghazi took sick leave immediately after his most recent posting. The club announced on Wednesday that it “notes with surprise and incomprehension Anwar El Ghazi’s statements regarding the club on its social media channels. The association will examine the matter legally and then evaluate it.”

Just a few hours after Hamas’ terrorist attacks on Israel, the professional posted an old photo of himself holding a Palestine flag in his hand. Days later, he shared a post on Instagram that accused Israel of genocide and included the phrase “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” The slogan means that Palestine should extend from the Jordan to the Mediterranean, thereby denying Israel the right to exist and is classified by investigators in parts of Germany as a criminal offense. El Ghazi deleted the post shortly after posting it.

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Mainz then suspended the striker before giving him a second chance on Monday.


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