Asvel falls to Bayern Munich after two overtimes in the Euroleague for its debut in the LDLC Arena

Asvel surely hoped to inaugurate its brand new LDLC Arena in a better way. In their brand new room, which will, for the moment, only be used during European events, Gianmarco Pozzecco’s protégés were finally defeated after two overtimes against Bayern Munich (101-100), Thursday, on behalf of the 10 day of Euroleague.

However, the locals have long been in the lead on the scoreboard. Led by a tandem of Mike Scott (21 points, 5/7 at 3 points) – Joffrey Lauvergne (21 points, 6 rebounds) on the big nights, Asvel was up to 12 units ahead at the start of the last quarter time. But the Germans, particularly clumsy behind the arc until then (19%), sounded the revolt.

Asvel cracks in overtime

Serge Ibaka (14 points), Devin Booker (16 points, 9 rebounds), but especially Leandro Bolmaro (16 points, 8 assists), supercharged in the last quarter, allowed the Munich team to win overtime, while David Lighty, thirty seconds before the gong, thought he had given victory to his team with his only banderilla of the evening.

Despite the loss of Bolmaro, its strong man of the evening, for the second overtime, Asvel was not able to create the feat, even if Timothé Luwawu-Cabarrot (20 points) allowed his team to keep hope. With this setback, the 2022 French champions remain confined to penultimate place in the ranking (W2; L8)


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