Brian Fernández: Struggling with Addiction and Seeking Redemption in Soccer

Brian Fernández is a talented soccer player who today does not have a club as he seeks to get away from the addictions that hindered him throughout his career. The 29-year-old forward played for several clubs in Argentina and abroad. He stood out and Diego Armando Maradona himself wanted him in two of the teams he directed. This Wednesday he revealed some of his stories and how he fights to get back on the playing field.

“I had a good relationship with Diego (Maradona). He got angry because I didn’t want to play on his teams. He wanted to take me to Dorados and Gimnasia. I was in Necaxa, it wasn’t because of him. I told him ‘no’ and everyone asked me ‘are you crazy? Why did you say no?’ He wanted to kill me. But he gave me a shirt that I have saved,” he revealed in an interview with Team F on ESPN.

He also recounted a fleeting experience with Lionel Messi: “I met him when I was in the Under 20s. I never took a photo with him. I do not know why. I really liked looking at it. I talk to Farías, who plays with him, and he tells me that he is very happy to be with him.

On the other hand, he admitted that he made a mistake in his last return to football, which ended with the termination of his contract with Morelia in Mexico. “I made that decision because I knew I could achieve it. They never gave me a contract with so many guidelines. I was very excited and left the place where I was doing the rehabilitation. The rehabilitation process had been completed in that community. But I feel like I rushed it,” she stated.

Fernández went through addiction problems and seeks to leave those episodes behind. He stressed that “those rehabilitation centers serve. The idea is to add things to be able to be well. Sometimes it gets difficult. I have to know how to select people. Everyone thinks that because I leave here and I was on TV I’m going to play. “Those are the friends of the champion.”

He also confessed that during his time at the Portland Timbers of Major League Soccer (MLS) in 2019, he felt the need to consume and asked the American league for help. “They made a mansion in Miami available for me to relax for 20 days, but I went to watch the final of the Copa Sudamericana because I am a Colón fan. “I left the house open, I took a plane and arrived late to watch the game,” he stated.

Regarding the MLS and the club where he worked, he also stated that “I felt a desire to consume, even though there were not many parties where I was. When I had to break a record, they gave me a plane. The club also gave me a debit card so I wouldn’t use mine.”

Brian played for Colón, the club of which he is a fan, and shared an experience that he did not like: “The club did not want to help me. From the moment I arrived until the moment I left, they never paid me anything. Every time I wanted to help the club, they got angry with me. From buying a refrigerator or paying for a hotel night for the Reserve kids so they could sleep the day before in a hotel. The leadership got angry because they felt that he was passing them by. That on the label it had to be in the name of José Vignatti (president).”

On the other hand, some episodes in his life marked him and that led to reducing the environment of trust. “I had friends who all failed me. Until I was 25 I had friends who failed me. Secrets, respect that I had for them that they didn’t have for me. “That hurt me a lot and it’s hard for me to make friends,” he said.

“I always had the opportunity to play wherever I wanted. When I wanted to do rehabilitation in Mexico and I went to the Azteca Stadium, a Mexican told me about Diego’s goal against the English and I told them that he was going to score a goal also in that stadium and I was able to do it,” he concluded.

2023-11-16 22:24:00
#Brian #Fernández #intimate #fight #addictions #champions #friends #Maradonas #anger #photo #Messi


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